Storage | AGS Movers International Removals Mon, 29 May 2023 07:41:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Storage | AGS Movers 32 32 AGS V.I.E. shares African experience Fri, 21 Jun 2019 11:19:34 +0000 Article initially appeared on the French Embassy’s website in Cameroon.

As part of its exchange programme, France has created the International Volunteer in Enterprise (V.I.E.) initiative which offers young graduates a professional mission abroad. Please meet Antoine, V.I.E. for the AGS Group in Yaoundé, Cameroon.

Antoine, can you introduce yourself and talk about what led you to Cameroon?

I’ve always been very curious to discover the world. During my studies at the University of Sorbonne in Paris, I seized the opportunity to live abroad as an exchange student. I spent a semester in Canada before finishing my studies while I lived in Taiwan, and I was officially bitten by the travel bug. At the end of my master’s degree, I landed a one-year assignment at the National Olympic and Sports Committee of Rwanda. It was a very rich experience and led to another 6-month contract at an NGO. The year and a half in Africa aroused my curiosity and I searched for ways to return to the continent.

The V.I.E. missions seemed to be the perfect fit and were in line with my career aspirations. The missions provide comfortable living conditions as well as financial means and offer a reasonable commitment period – up to 2 years. It was also the ideal opportunity for me to take the first step into the private sector while discovering life in a new country.

I’d like to think that I didn’t choose Cameroon, but that Cameroon chose me. I applied for a wide variety of missions in many countries and finally ended up at AGS in Yaoundé. My attention was not necessarily or intrinsically set on the country, however, in hindsight, Cameroon offers a large number of professional and personal challenges. Doing project management in a country where “yes” does not necessarily mean “yes”, “no” does not mean “no”, and “tomorrow” means “one day maybe”, there is no doubt that I learned a lot.

What is your mission at AGS?

My assignment at AGS includes a combination of public relations, customer portfolio management and logistics coordination. In the international mobility industry, a large part of the market is acquired by image and trust. Our clientele in Yaoundé mainly comprises of diplomats, representatives of the United Nations and those of big international NGOs. My role is to interact positively with these embassies and organisations, formally or otherwise, during a business meeting or even leisurely events, such as a round of golf. As a result, they will spontaneously think of AGS when they move one of their postings. Once the move is underway, I take care of negotiating the best prices with our suppliers – carriers, charters, freight forwarders – and coordinate all stakeholders, from packaging to delivery to destination.

What are the activities of the AGS Group in Cameroon?

AGS is one of the world leaders in international removals and has been operating for over forty years. The company is physically present in all 54 African countries and offers furniture storage services. Gradually, the group is developing records management and heritage digitization activities which offers protection and conservation of historical heritage in the countries where the company operates. In Cameroon, AGS is present through two agencies: one in the economic capital in Douala, which interfaces with the port, and a second in Yaoundé, the administrative capital, where I have been working for the past 18 months.

Can you offer any tips to young graduates who are still hesitating to choose V.I.E?

For a young graduate, it is normal to hesitate to take the first step, but I’d like to encourage them to get out of their comfort zone, to leave for a new country without a landmark. It brings great satisfaction once this step is done. The V.I.E. programme is perfect to go abroad for a few years and have the opportunity of your first professional experience. It allows you to live abroad in excellent conditions and often offers a level of responsibility that has no equivalent in France. In my opinion, it is a real professional and personal springboard. Moreover, volunteers are never left to their own devices. They are usually welcomed by their company, while Business France makes every effort to facilitate their arrival and integrate them into the “network” of volunteers. My interactions with Business France also allowed me to meet interesting personalities and high-level decision-makers whom I can now count into my network.
If you are 28 years or younger, I’d like to urge you to start your V.I.E. journey before it’s too late!

The final word?

I’d like to thank AGS for believing in me, as well as Business France for supporting me so well. If I had to do it again, I would not hesitate for a second.


Read the article on the French Embassy in Cameroon’s website

AGS Froesch Berlin hosts art and culture event Mon, 05 Nov 2018 08:20:21 +0000 AGS Movers Berlin, in partnership with the Association of Galleries of Berlin, recently hosted a momentous evening event entitled ‘Art and Culture Meets AGS Froesch Berlin’. The event, which took place on 19 October, was attended by distinguished guests including several owners of art galleries within the area.

The evening kicked off with a tour through AGS Froesch Berlin’s logistical facilities and art warehouses. Guests were then taken through the logistical processes, digitization options and customs, followed by an in-depth look at our heritage imaging processing, which was presented by Arkhênum International Project Manager, Laurent Bidet.

Colleagues of our Fine Art Office & Technical Team showed guests the different types of packing material and demonstrated the skills of the department during Fine Art operations. The evening concluded with a networking party and barbeque at the headquarters of AGS Froesch in Grossbeeren.

“This event allowed us to showcase the expertise of AGS Froesch Berlin and we were very excited to have the opportunity to share a glimpse into our operations, state of the art storage facility and our talented team. Events like this gives us an opportunity to strengthen our relationship with our customers and we will continue to deliver the high levels of service that our customers have come to expect from AGS Froesch Berlin for their moving and storage services,”

AGS Froesch Berlin Manager, Klaus Meyer said.

New warehouse facility at AGS Cambodia Mon, 17 Sep 2018 07:15:02 +0000 AGS Movers Cambodia is excited to announce the addition of our brand new secure storage facility, located in Phnom Penh. The 420 square metre facility is fully equipped with 24-hour security and surveillance cameras and is burglary, fire and flood protected.

The new warehouse is equipped to store anything – from furniture, to fine art, to commercial goods and professional equipment. In addition to the storage facility, AGS Cambodia also provides all the necessary packing materials and clients have 24-hour access to their stored items.

Our friendly staff can handle your entire storage process and are ready to offer their professional assistance.

AGS Spain supports integration of unions Wed, 15 Aug 2018 07:38:35 +0000 AGS Movers Spain Manager, Antonio Gonzalez, a Board member of the Madrid Area Organization of moving companies (OCEM), has expressed support of the amalgamation between the OCEM and the general Association of Transport Companies of the Central Region (ATRADICE).

The integration agreement between the two unions has been approved by the governing bodies of both organizations. The newly created union, called Grupo OCEM, will focus mainly on removals and storage companies.

The union of the two associations will result in greater representation by the moving industry sector on the transport lobbies.

Insurance tips Mon, 21 May 2018 12:56:53 +0000 AGS has compiled a list of insurance tips to help you best insure your personal effects during the move.

Do not hesitate to contact us, should you require more information about our insurance policy.

How should I value my goods?

Valuing your goods and completing your inventory is an important step of your move, ensuring your goods are well covered.

Every item you intend to move should be covered
Moving companies, in general, require that all household goods and other items appears on the inventory list in order to be insured. Note that insurers usually calculate their risks and premiums based on the entire value of goods moved by all their clients.

Purchase value of the goods at destination
Remember to value and insure your effects at the replacement value at destination, i.e. what it would cost to replace the item in the country you are moving to. If required, you will have to repair or replace the item in your new country. We strongly recommend that you research the cost of living in your country of destination, using travel guides or websites.

Do not undervalue your shipment
Your insurer will refund you according to the value of your shipment/item. For this reason we recommend that you do not undervalue your shipment. If you have to submit a claim, insurers will only reimburse you according to the declared value on your inventory and the proportion of the damage. Undervaluing your goods will result in insufficient compensation to cover the cost of repair or replacement of these items.

Provide as much detail as possible
The inventory is usually used by moving companies to list items to be moved and insured. List each item as well as their quantity and price.

Declare your high value items
Ensure that you have as much written information about your high value items (items valued at EUR 20,000.00 or more for instance) as possible. The underwriters of your moving company may require proof of ownership and/or value of such items. Make sure you photograph these items, print them in color, date and sign the prints and add them to your inventory. For items of high value, you can never take too many precautions.

Car Insurance pay-out if lost/damaged

In case of damage to or loss of vehicles, insurers usually apply a reduction to the amount paid out, calculated according to the age and mileage of the vehicle.

Storage Coverage Extension

The policy cover will be outlined by your removals company. Some moving companies offers to insure their clients’ goods from collection to delivery whilst others only insure goods while in storage. If you need comprehensive coverage for secure storage before or after transit, you may need a separate insurance coverage. Ensure that you establish the insurance policy of your specific movers.

Claiming from your insurance

This will depend on the insurance policy of the chosen removals company. Ensure that you know what the procedure is in the event of a claim for goods that have been lost or damaged in transit. Here are some points that you will need to clarify with your moving company:

  • The time allowed for you to notify your mover of any damage, from the day of delivery
  • The information that you need to provide when giving notice
  • When you need to make your claim, what it must include and how it should be notified (i.e. registered mail, e-mail, normal mail)
  • Any other information/paperwork that will be required

Main Exclusions

Removals companies do not usually cover goods which fall under the following risk criteria:

Consequential loss
Consequential losses (i.e. resulting losses) arising from the delay in delivery may not be covered, and loss of value and depreciation due to damage and/or after repair may be excluded from cover. Ensure that you clarify this with your removals company.

Owner packed goods
Items packed by the owner without inspection by the mover before the carton box is sealed, are classified as “Packed by Owner” (abbreviated as U20 or PBO). Movers usually exclude cover to items which are damaged or lost in owner-packed-cartons. If you wish to be covered, allow your removals company to pack or repack all items.

Get moving insurance for your goods.

Get a free quote

Specialised care for even the most demanding vehicle removals Wed, 16 Nov 2016 13:03:25 +0000 Do you need to move your car abroad? You can trust AGS!

As one example of the faith our clients have in us, AGS’ branch in Troyes, France, recently shipped a 1979 Rolls Royce Silver Shadow to St Helena in California, USA. Before this long journey the Rolls Royce was stored in our warehouse, where we ensured that it was protected from moisture and that its battery would not run flat. The classic car was then loaded into a 20-foot container by a tow truck, before being carefully secured for transport by AGS Troyes’ professional team.

More information about vehicle transfer >>

AGS Coussaert sponsored Week-end à la Française 2016 is a great success Thu, 15 Sep 2016 13:56:25 +0000 th June 2016. During this weekend French and Belgian cultures mingled at the Guy d’Arezzo’s square, in Uccle, Belgium.]]> For the third consecutive year, AGS Movers Coussaert sponsored Week-end à la Française (The French Weekend) which took place 4-5th June 2016. During this weekend French and Belgian cultures mingled at the Guy d’Arezzo’s square, in Uccle, Belgium. It was organized by les Petites Puces, which since 2008 has been involved in various events to highlight Brussels and promote craftsmen, designers, artists and tradesmen, as well as the Juliette and Victor’s team, a French-Belgian lifestyle magazine.

Over the 2 days, about 60 French-Belgian companies, craftsmen and designers introduced more than 8000 visitors to the passion of their jobs, expertise and services, particularly in the field of gastronomy and fashion.

As a French-owned company, AGS Coussaert is also passionate about French culture and supporting local community events. The team offered a friendly welcome and focused on introducing the many visitors to its secure storage services. This year, the focus was on the new fully automated warehouse. The modernism and technological advances in terms of storage put in place by AGS Coussaert had clearly impressed the many visitors.


The mild weather and an easy-going atmosphere contributed to making this third year of The French Weekend a complete success. AGS Coussaert had the opportunity to meet with its existing clients as well as to build up new contacts. We are proud to be highly renowned among the large foreign community living in Brussels for our international removals and secure secure storage services.

The event has become a key part of the social calendar for the foreign and local community living in Uccle, and the AGS Coussaert team is delighted to already confirm its participation in the 2017 edition!


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AGS preserves history in Martinique Thu, 12 May 2016 06:10:14 +0000 3 of archives stored in the University Library of the Schoelcher campus.]]> AGS Movers Martinique has demonstrated its care and expertise through its lawww high-profile assignment: moving 450 m3 of archives stored in the University Library of the Schoelcher campus. All local media covered the culturally-significant event, as AGS operated swiftly to restore students’ access to the library.

Caribbean University authorities were recently surprised to discover that hundreds of cubic meters of archives from the Martinique region and Monaco Oceanographic Institute had been stored in the Schoelcher campus’ University Library, since October 2011.

When it was realised that the storage of the archive papers in the library’s basement posed a fire risk, the library was forced to close until the situation was rectified – an unpopular decision with students, as it fell just ahead of the exam period!


The challenge for AGS Martinique: saving the documents and ensuring the rapid reopening of the University Library.


With exams approaching, the library closure was particularly detrimental to students. It was therefore necessary to proceed urgently with the transfer of these archives.

A new building dedicated to the national archive from Martinique had been constructed, but before any documents could be stored in it, the facility first had to be approved by the technical controller and be issued with a certificate of compliance.

Fortunately, the Territorial Authority of Martinique (CTM) could count on the professionalism and expertise of the AGS Group with the removal of the files, as these sensitive timelines were factored into the operation’s planning.


Flexibility and responsiveness, AGS Martinique’s strengths


While waiting for authorization to start the transfer, AGS Martinique used the time constructively by orchestrating every detail of the operation in advance.

“This was a last minute order that had to be implemented and managed.” explained Daniel Dulymbois, AGS’ team manager for the operation.

AGS Martinique wasn’t deterred, however: it is experienced with handling projects of this nature. To complete the transfer and not affect students any longer than necessary, a reinforced AGS team of ten movers arrived with trucks and furniture lifts on March 17 at 08:30 with a clear plan of action!

SECOND_PHOTO_EN.JPGArchives transfer to the new CTM buildingFurther underlining the importance of this move, AGS Martinique’s team began the transfer of the archives under the spotlight of the local media.

Bailiffs, representatives of the CTM and the University gathered to monitor their careful handling of the 450m3 of documents.

The AGS team was immediately faced with a serious logistical challenge: some of the public records in storage were much damaged. The removal therefore required a quasi-military organization from AGS’ team –

“With the handling of archives, there is no improvisation!” added Daniel.

The team successfully carried out the delivery in six days, transporting the archives to the new CTM building. Here all documents were classified and indexed, before being made available for consultation again.

Making this operation particularly rewarding, the archives of the Institute of Oceanography in Monaco were found to include documents of great cultural value! These reports are the results of scientific surveys carried out by the Albert I Foundation. Following the transfer of the archives, the Schoelcher University Library re-opened on March 30, to the relief of its students.

AGS Martinique has already been further developing its archiving expertise, completing three other large-scale transfers in April:

  • 380 m3 of departmental public archives in the Bellevue neighbourhood
  • 220 m3 at the Regional Council headquarters
  • 150 m3 for the Association for Adult Vocational Training (AFPA).


Useful links:

Shipping cars to Martinique
Shipping parcels to Martinique

Upgrading your luxury yacht? AGS can help! Mon, 08 Dec 2014 13:56:05 +0000 AGS Movers Nice expertly conducted a recent specialised removal, entailing the transport of valuables and furniture from one luxury yacht in Imperia, Italy, to another in La Spezia.


By rapidly responding to the client’s needs and putting forward innovative solutions, AGS Nice’s Branch Manager, Laurent Bedleem, and his team took on this challenge with professionalism and brought great satisfaction to both yachts’ owners.

Following the sale of ‘Ocean Victory’ (76m long), her former owner acquired a brand new yacht of twice the length – (140m) – ‘Project Victory’. These state-of-the-art private leisure yachts are well-renowned internationally, with crews managed by Antibes-based Camper & Nicholson. To this day, Project Victory is reported to be the biggest yacht ever constructed in La Spezia.

It is no coincidence that Project Victory’s new owner chose AGS for this operation: he made his decision based on the quality of AGS’ proffesional packing, value and the comprehensive set of solutions offered by AGS Nice.

Operation Overview

Chris Bentley (one of Ocean Victory’s captains) asked AGS to prepare a pre-move survey while the yacht was docked at the port of Monaco for a prominent yacht show.
On September 29 the removal commenced, as goods from Ocean Victory were packed; loaded into AGS’ European Liftvans and transported to a bonded warehouse in La Spezia. By October 3, all goods were safely in secure storage.

“Everything went as planned and was carried out smoothly,”

Laurent explains.

“The job was done in an exemplary manner.”

This operation concluded successfully on December 11 with a final delivery to the new yacht, Project Victory.

AGS looks forward to similar removals of this nature, and – keeping with the nautical theme – we wish fair winds to both yachts and the whole team!

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New Appointments – September 2014 Mon, 29 Sep 2014 08:40:27 +0000 AGS welcomes the following newly appointed or relocated managers:

Matt Burden
AGS Movers Jakarta
Branch Manager
Matt Burden

A British National, Matt joined the AGS Family on the 18th of August in Hong Kong for his induction and training.  He will officially take over the reins of the Jakarta branch in September 2014. Matt holds a Diploma in Business and Finance from the London Met University and started his career in 1993 as Sales Manager for Crown Worldwide in Hong Kong.

He subsequently joined the Allied Pickfords Group in 1996 as Franchise Manager in Bangkok and Country Manager in Hong Kong. In 2004, he founded – and was Managing Director for – Relocasia in Hong Kong, before becoming the Chief Executive Officer of Writer Relocasia (South-East Asia) in 2011.

After a sabbatical period, during which he resided in Thailand, Matt is now keen to embark on the next stage in his career and to play a part in the further advancement of the AGS Group in Asia, having observed the explosive growth of the group over the past 10 years.

Matt is married to Sandrine (an ex-Parisian) and they have two children – Louis and Théa.

Avid explorers, him and his family enjoy experiencing new places and cultures and are especially looking forward to go out during weekends to surf some of the best waves in the world that is offered in Indonesia. Matt is also a qualified Football Coach with the English Football Association.

We wish to welcome Matt to the group and we also wish both him and Steve all the best in their new postings.

Raphaël Baptista
AGS Movers Angola
Branch Manager

A 1998 graduate of the NEGOCIA Business School, Raphaël Baptista started his professional career as an International Business Volunteer at AGS Movers Mozambique. At the end of this assignment, Raphaël returned to France where he used the skills he had acquired to work as a branch manager for Warning SA for 2 years, before returning to the Group as the manager for AGS Movers Botswana in 2005.

Between 2006 and 2010, Raphaël was given new responsibilities and a new challenge with a position as Project Manager for the MOBILITAS Group’s New Activities. Raphaël was then involved in the launch of a new activity (records management) and in the creation of a secure self-storage brand that would become Stockerseul.

He took over as AGS Movers Mozambique Branch Manager in 2010 and his drive and involvement within the Group helped him be nominated as one of the Group’s best Branch Manager.

With a strong background in records management, in self-storage, in removals and in relocation, Raphaël wanted to evolve and was entrusted with the management of AGS Movers Angola as of 1 September 2014.

Gilles De Matos

AGS Movers Mozambique
Branch Manager
Gilles De Matos

With dual French and Portuguese nationality, Gilles de Matos naturally worked towards an international career. Gilles is fluent in 4 languages (Portuguese, French, English and Spanish). After graduating with a Master in Science and Technology in international trade, Gilles started his professional career in Africa at the French Trade Commission in Maputo, Mozambique. After this two-year professional experience, he wanted to give his career a new impetus and joined the AGS Group in early January 2005. His first role within the Group was that of a trainee Branch Manager; he was trained first in Portugal, then in Luanda, Angola; a decision was then made to give him the management of AGS Movers Angola in July 2007.

Since then, he displayed great capabilities in his role and was repeatedly one of the winners of the Best Branch Managers Annual Competitions.

After 7 years at the head of AGS Movers Angola, Gilles let us know that he was ready for new challenges. He is now taking over as Branch Manager for AGS Movers Mozambique as of 1 September 2014.

Gilles De Matos is married and the proud father of 4 children – 2 boys and 2 girls.

AGS Movers Lubumbashi
Branch Manager
Albéric De Colnet


After obtaining a Master in Management with a semester overseas spent in the Philippines, Albéric de Colnet joined the AGS Group in 2011 as an International Business Volunteer. After 2 years as an IBV at AGS Movers Cameroon – Douala, he wished to keep going with the AGS adventure and was aiming to become Branch Manager. In the space of one year, Albéric finished his training by becoming Trainee Manager. This gave him a chance to show his motivation and his sales and managerial capabilities in the four African branches where he worked: Cameroon, Chad, Kenya and Sudan. Albéric was sent to Lubumbashi in the DRC on 24 June 2014. Following Alain Yves’ departure, the management of AGS Movers Lubumbashi was entrusted to Albéric de Colnet.
