Kenya | AGS Movers International Removals Wed, 24 Jan 2024 11:24:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Kenya | AGS Movers 32 32 AGS Kenya supports NGO ACTED’s borehole renovation project Wed, 24 Jan 2024 08:34:08 +0000 The situation is urgent. For several months, Kenya has been suffering from a drought considered the worst in 40 years. Almost 6.4 million people were in desperate need of assistance in 2023, 67% of them children.  Whilst the need for water has increased, some boreholes have run dry. Others have deteriorated, requiring repair or upgrades to improve their performance. The steps taken by humanitarian organisations and governments to tackle this issue remain insufficient, and solutions are often costly.

Following the initiative of the French Ambassador to Kenya, Arnaud Suquet, French companies are taking action through the Chamber of Commerce; to support a borehole improvement operation led by the French NGO ACTED. This comprehensive solution aims at improving the living conditions of inhabitants in several villages by providing water, sanitation and hygiene services.


A contribution from AGS

AGS's role in the renovation of a commuunity borehole
Thanks to its longstanding and strong presence in Africa, AGS is fully committed to this operation and contributed financially to rehabilitate a borehole in the village of Goda Korma.

In total, this facility supplies water to some 200 households, or approximately 1,200 people. The borehole is diesel-powered, so maintenance costs are high.

ACTED proposes converting the pumping station to run on solar energy. And for good reason: northern Kenya receives eight hours of sunshine daily, a real opportunity to reduce operating and maintenance costs and adopt a long-term solution for the surrounding communities. This will also make the borehole more environmentally friendly.

However, ACTED will ensure that the system remains hybrid, so that it can switch between solar and an alternative energy source, such as a diesel generator or the electricity grid, in the event of unfavourable weather. The association will also monitor consumption using water meters.


Improved hygiene in Kenya

The project will improve the safety of the drilling equipment. The rehabilitation of this borehole also has a direct impact on community hygiene by reducing the risk of water-borne diseases and improving the quality of drinking water. Thanks to this installation, ACTED aims to guarantee access to drinking water within a distance of 0.5 to 1 km (compared to 5.5 to 15 km today).

The project is the result of a joint study carried out in December 2022 by ACTED, the water services and the target communities in the counties of Isiolo, Samburu and Marsabit.

A technical assessment identified strategic boreholes which had dried up due to drought or damage. In all, five water resources were identified and selected for repair. 1,350 people are expected to directly benefit from improved access to drinking water and hygiene practices.

As a member of the UN Global Compact, AGS supports local communities around the world. To find out more about the work we do, find out more about the work we do, see our latest Communication on Progress.

AGS Kenya supports Alliance Française Thu, 01 Dec 2022 11:31:38 +0000 Last June, the Service de Coopération et d’Action Culturelle (SCAC) in Nairobi sent AGS Kenya an unusual request: receive 50m3 of sensitive audio-visual equipment from France and deliver it to cultural centres around Kenya.

Complicating this undertaking was the country’s mountainous terrain in the west, which requires special expertise in transport and logistics to navigate. Spurred on by the challenge, the AGS Kenya team started planning the operation.


Célia Richard, AGS Kenya’s Sales and Business Development Manager
Célia Richard
AGS Kenya’s Sales and Business Development Manager

Preparation is the key to success

“The fragile equipment used in cinemas and amphitheatres had to be transported with care. We also alerted our insurance company to ensure that the value of the operation was covered,” says Célia Richard, AGS Kenya’s Sales and Business Development Manager.

Upon arrival at the Port of Nairobi, AGS repacked the equipment, depalletised and grouped it according to its destination. In total, the AGS team would make six deliveries: two in Mombasa, and one each in Lamu, Kisumu, Nairobi and Nakuru.


Put to the test on a paradise island

Cityscape of Nairobi, KenyaThe delivery to Lamu posed unique challenges. Located off the Kenyan coast, the island is over 500km away from Nairobi and is strictly car free. “The half-hour ferry trip was challenging, but guiding a hand-drawn cart loaded with fragile cargo through the sand was the true test of our skills. Fortunately, the delivery address was not far from the jetty,” says Célia.

Since the 1960s, in the wake of eccentric jet-setters like Mick Jagger, Lamu has become a popular tourist destination. Today, 80% of the island’s economy is based on tourism. The old town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Despite this, time has left the island largely unchanged. Here, luxury lies in simple pleasures: fresh fish cooked on the grill, mangoes and papayas eaten barefoot on the beach and spectacular sunsets.

“The complex logistics involved make deliveries to Lamu extremely rare,” adds Thibault Malezieux, Director of AGS Kenya. “The team’s coordination was incredible, and we were thrilled to see the outcome!”

Country-wide, the operation only took a few days, and by the 21st of June, everything was delivered. As planned, the Lamu Cultural Centre was inaugurated in July by the ambassador of France to Kenya.

Do you need assistance or advice on your move to Kenya? Contact us!

Unusual vintage car shipments in Kenya Thu, 06 Oct 2022 07:12:40 +0000 It’s not every day that you see a Land Rover Series 1 from 1955!]]> An AGS Kenya client bound for the UK needed to ship his Land Rover Series I along with an unusual homemade vehicle. The vintage off-roader was the first mass-produced civilian four-wheel drive car with doors and a hard roof. Inspired by the World War II Jeep, the production of the Land Rover Series 1 started in 1948! The old lady will undergo renovations at Land Rover UK upon arrival.

As a moving specialist, AGS offers door-to-door vehicle transportation services for professionals and individuals. Depending on the type of vehicle: utility vans, sedans or SUVs, luxury cars, vintage motorcycles, or even caravans, some very specific arrangements may be required.


Tailor-made solutions for vintage car- shipments

Thibault Malezieux, AGS Kenya Managing Director
Thibault Malezieux
AGS Kenya Managing Director

To accommodate the shipment of the vintage car and the homemade custom vehicle, AGS installed a mezzanine inside the container. “The team had to put some thought into it, to create an exclusive protection box,” explained Thibault Malezieux. “This arrangement had the advantage of providing space for more of the client’s personal items.”

It was around this time that the AGS Kenya team also said bon voyage to a pink 1970s VW Beetle. The beautiful vintage cars, which became the centre of attention for a few days, were a source of great pride for everyone working on site.

With 48 years of experience, AGS transports thousands of vehicles of all kinds internationally every year but these were one of a kind!

Do you need support or advice for your move to Kenya? Contact us!

Bastille day, the occasion to celebrate the blossoming partnership between France and Kenya Mon, 02 Aug 2021 10:50:41 +0000 Bastille Day is celebrated in Kenya each year. To mark the occasion, AGS Kenya, together with the French Embassy, the French Chamber and several other French-owned companies gifted hampers of French products to various Kenyan partners and public institutions to celebrate the Frenco-Kenyan relationship.

The Kenyan government, which has actively taken measures and implemented reforms to attract foreign investment, has established a very strong relationship with France.

Supported at every step by Bpifrance, French companies that have invested in Kenya have been able to develop their business and find reliable partners and associates.

They combined French and Kenyan expertise and are proud to hire talented Kenyans alongside with their French counterparts.

Thibault Malezieux, Managing Director AGS Worldwide Movers Kenya agrees: “Thanks to its stability, good infrastructure and people with high skills level, Kenya is and always has been a favoUrable country to operate in”.

”Located in Nairobi since 1995, AGS Global Solutions used it logistics expertise to deliver the hampers throughout Kenya.

Learn more about this initiative and the French companies who contributed to the hampers.

AGS Kenya attends UN Information Day Wed, 05 Dec 2018 14:28:37 +0000 AGS Movers Kenya recently participated in an information day organised by the United Nations Office in Nairobi (UNON). The event, which took place on 15 November 2018, was held at the UNON’s premises and was intended to inform and offer UNON employees an array of services including, tour operators, hoteliers, airlines, movers, etc.

AGS Kenya set up a stand and three members of the team including Branch Manager, Gil Recizac, Fridah Mwangi and Steve Maina assisted visitors with their queries and presented the branch’s range of services.

Removals for 2019, animal transfers and expedition processes were some of the topics that were addressed by those who visited the stand. Additionally, contact was also established with the administrative departments of UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) and UNHCR (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees). AGS Kenya will meet with them again in the near future to discuss potential business opportunities.

UN Info day exhibition hall.

This day was the perfect opportunity for the AGS team to meet representatives of the human resources and procurement departments of UNON, as well as the archiving manager who they presented AGS’s digitization service to.

New Appointments – November 2016 Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:50:41 +0000 AGS welcomes the following newly appointed managers:

Baptiste Di Tria
Branch Manager
AGS Movers Liberia

Baptiste Di Tria started at the group as an employee of AGS Movers Madagascar and was appointed to AGS Movers Liberia as Branch Manager in August 2016. He likes to watch and play rugby, and takes a great interest in local and global politics. Baptiste also likes to listen to music and to travel. He looks forward to developing and building relationships with clients in his new position.

Jean-Marc Boisgard
Branch Manager
AGS Movers Angola

Jean-Marc Boisgard was appointed as Trainee Branch Manager with AGS Movers Senegal in August 2014, and promoted to Branch Manager at AGS Movers Kenya. He accepted the Manager position for AGS Movers Sierra Leone in January 2015, before occupying his most recent position as Manager of AGS Movers Angola. The 53-year-old father of two daughters has earned diplomas from three engineering schools: l’Ecole de l’Air, ENSTA (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées) and ENSPM (Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Pétrole et des Moteurs). Passionate about bridge, reading and travel, Jean-Marc wishes to participate in the development of AGS in Africa and to live enriching human experiences.

Julien Favre-Bulle
Branch Manager
AGS Movers Zambia

Julien Favre-Bulle started his career at AGS as Sales Manager at the Kenyan branch in 2004. He was promoted to Trainee Manager in AGS Movers Kenya in 2006 and became Branch Manager of AGS Movers Burundi in 2008. Julien’s career grew further when he took up the position of AGS Movers Uganda Branch Manager in 2013, and was recently appointed as Branch Manager in Zambia. Julien is passionate about sports and enjoys watching movies.

Carole-Anne Duchet
Branch Manager
AGS Movers Uganda

Carole-Anne Duchet joined the AGS Group at its Zambian branch as a VIE in 2010. She was promoted to Trainee Manager in the Zambian branch in 2012 and subsequently, took up the manager position at the same branch in 2013. Earlier this year, Carole-Anne accepted a new position as Branch Manager at AGS Movers Uganda. She loves to play sports and to travel.

Fabris Grujic
Branch Manager
AGS Movers Madagascar

Fabris Grujic started at the Group as trainee manager at AGS Paris in 2003 and accepted the management position at AGS Movers Skopje soon thereafter. Three more Branch Manager positions including Belgrade, Montenegro and Abu Dhabi followed before Fabris accepted the AGS Madagascar Branch Manager position earlier this year. Fabris enjoys mountain biking, parachuting and practices martial arts.

Mathias Bouroullec
Branch Manager
AGS Movers Niger

Mathias Bouroullec joined AGS Movers Botswana as a VIE in 2013 and was offered a position as trainee manager at the same branch in 2015, before accepting his most recent position as Branch Manager of AGS Movers Niger. Mathias enjoys traveling, listening to music, and is a football and swimming enthusiast.

Loïc Delcon
Branch Manager
AGS Movers Mali

Loïc Delcon joined AGS Movers Ivory Coast as a VIE in 2013 and was promoted to trainee manager at the same branch in 2015, before accepting the management position at AGS Movers Mali in 2016. Loïc enjoys traveling, playing rugby, going to the theatre and relaxation therapy.

Frédéric Léomant
Branch Manager
AGS Movers Cameroon

Frédéric Léomant joined the AGS Group as a trainee manager at AGS Movers Reunion in 2005 and was promoted to the manager position of AGS Movers Burkina Faso in 2006. Frédéric was then appointed as AGS Movers Madagascar’s Branch Manager in 2011 before accepting the position as Branch Manager at AGS Movers Cameroon, earlier this year. Frédéric likes to play volleyball, to sail his catamaran and to play chess.

Oscar Nduwimana
Branch Manager
AGS Movers South Sudan

Oscar Nduwimana, a lawyer by training, was appointed as Branch Manager at AGS Movers South Sudan. Oscar brings more than 10 years’ removal industry experience acquired in Burundi and Rwanda. He was also a representative of a worldwide leading container shipping company in Burundi. Oscar enjoys playing rugby.

Emilie Ducert
Branch Manager
AGS Movers Togo

After graduating with a Master’s degree in Management and International Trade, Emilie Ducert wanted to travel (specifically in Africa), to learn new languages and to find a job that wouldn’t bore her. It seems that she made the right choice by choosing AGS. After joining the group as an International Corporate Volunteer (V.I.E) in 2008 in Burkina Faso, she was offered a position as trainee manager in Maputo in 2010 and joined the Rabat, Morocco branch in 2011 as Branch Manager. As of June 2016, she took over the management of our Lomé branch, where she manages 10 people. In her free time, this former Western horse riding champion also jogs and plays golf. But Emilie isn’t only an accomplished sportswoman; she’s also a singer and a musician and plays the guitar at concerts.

Jean-Charles Thorez
Branch Manager
AGS Movers Cameroon

Jean-Charles Thorez started working at AGS in 2004 and was trained as a Branch Manager by Jean-Noël Boulnois, who then managed the Senegalese branch. A year later, Jean-Charles was given the role of Branch Manager in Bangui, in the Central African Republic, where he stayed for 11 years. In August 2016, he accepted the position of Branch Manager at AGS in Yaoundé, Cameroon, managing a team of 15 people. This former officer in the French Army says he loves to be in touch with his customers and to find solutions to the complex situations he is confronted with on a daily basis. When he’s not sitting at his desk, Jean-Charles spends time with his two-year-old daughter, Ludivine.

Mark Jeyasingh
Branch Manager
AGS Movers Seychelles

Mark Jeyasingh joined the Seychelles branch in September 2016 after more than 20 years in the financial services sector. His experience ranges from consulting to management of key accounts and product development. At AGS Seychelles, Mark is tasked with setting up marketing strategies and developing sales of the branch’s various products. In his free time, Mark plays golf at a very good level (with a handicap below 9).

We wish them well in their new positions.

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News at a Glance – Kenya Tue, 26 Jan 2016 08:25:21 +0000 AGS Frasers Kenya recently sponsored a family in their quest of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. In total 39 people participated in this hike to Africa’s highest summit, with the objective of supporting the Rotary Club of Nairobi East – which initiated the project – in their global fight against polio.

Part of the funds gathered during this operation will also be used to improve the education of the less fortunate in society, and to assist maternal and child healthcare service clinics in Nairobi’s poorest areas.

New Appointments – March 2015 Fri, 13 Mar 2015 06:36:06 +0000 AGS welcomes the following newly appointed managers:

Sailaja Jonnalagadda
Branch Manager
AGS Movers Hyderabad

Ms Jonnalagadda joined AGS Four Winds India in June 2013 as the Assistant Branch Manager during which time she was able to hone her skills in the overall management of a branch.

Prior to this, she was responsible for business development and customer service with the Allied Group, StepStone India and Speedage Express Cargo.

As of the 05th of January 2015, she takes up the role of Branch Manager of AGS Four Winds India – Hyderabad and we are confident that her experience of more than 14 years will stand her in good stead to fulfil the demands of this role.

Furthermore, Sailaja holds a MBA in International Business and Operations as well as a B.Com degree.

She is proud to be associated with such a well-structured and systemized group like AGS and she is looking forward to applying her experience to this new challenge.

Married to Sreekumar, they have one son named Shreyas. Sailaja enjoys reading, music and travelling in her free time.

Jarod Yang
Branch Manager
AGS Movers China (Beijing)

Having completed his Bachelor’s Degree with the Beijing Institute of Petro-Chemical Technology, Mr Yang started his career in 2007 with Move One Relocations in Beijing as a Team Leader, gaining experience as Business Development Manager with Sirva Relocation and finally fulfilling the role of Business Development and Relocation Manager with CS Mobility before joining the AGS family in January 2015 as Branch Manager for AGS Four Winds China – Beijing.

During his career, Yarod has been involved in a number of successful bidding projects for new business and believes that he can play an important role in developing business for our Beijing branch.

Yarod is married to Audrey Zhang and he lists reading, sports (especially basketball and football), music and following American TV series as his special interests and hobbies.

Branch Manager
AGS Movers Sierra Leone


Having been a Trainee Branch Manager with AGS Movers Senegal in August 2014, then with AGS Movers Kenya in October 2014, Jean-Marc BOISGARD has been entrusted the position of Branch Manager for AGS Frasers Sierra Leone since 26 January 2015.

53 years old and father of two daughters, Jean-Marc BOISGARD has earned diplomas from three engineering schools: l’Ecole de l’Air, ENSTA (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées) and ENSPM (Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Pétrole et des Moteurs). This excellent curriculum propelled his career during 28 years – that is 14 years within the Air Force and 14 years within the Fuel Department of the Army.

Later, he worked for two years in the nuclear logistics field at NIVIA – part of the VINCI Group -before joining the AGS Group in August 2014.
Rich in these various experiences and having completed his training successfully, we have offered him his first position as Branch Manager of AGS Frasers Sierra Leone.

Passionate about bridge, reading and travel, Jean-Marc wishes to participate in the development of AGS in Africa and to live enriching human experiences in contact with the locals in Sierra Leone.

We wish him well in the AGS Group and congratulate him on his career progression within the Group.

Thierry Stalin
Branch Manager:
AGS Movers Liberia


After one year as a VIE in AGS Frasers Libéria and a short mission in AGS Movers Benin (due to the EBOLA epidemic), Thierry STALIN has been appointed as the Branch Manager of AGS Frasers Liberia since the 2nd of February 2015.

Just 26 years old, Thierry holds a diploma of Economy and Finance and then a Master’s degree of Reims Management School with a specialization in corporate finance.
After several internships in the commercial field and in management control within the SNCF (FRENCH NATIONAL RAILWAY COMPANY), Decathlon and Oxylane Logistics where he discovered the logistics sector, Thierry launched into the great adventure of being a VIE in October 2013.

Further to this experience – difficult because of the sanitary, social and economic situation of Liberia –Thierry achieved great success and the Direction of the Group did not hesitate to entrust him with the direction of this Branch.

A fan of football and extreme sports, Thierry is fascinated by geography. Of a curious and particularly open-minded temperament, he is eager to discover the world!

In his own words, his appointment represents an important challenge to him, in particular because of his age. He is particularly grateful to the Direction of the Group for having shown the confidence in him.

Being without a doubt the youngest Branch Manager of the Group, we wish him a complete professional self-fulfillment and extend all our wishes of success to him in this new post.

Abhinek Abhilashi
Branch Manager
AGS Movers India – Chennai


Mr. Abhinek Abhilashi joins the AGS family from the 5th of February 2015 as the new branch manager for AGS Four Winds India in Chennai.

He has over 10 years’ of experience in business operations with the Star Worldwide Group, having worked in both Bangalore and New Delhi, his last position being that of General Manager for the South India Region.

He has also been involved with managing P&L (Profits & losses) and tie-ups with international partners for multiple businesses in New Delhi, working independently.

Abhinek holds a BA degree and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Administration.

He states that for him, it is exciting to be part of a large global group, being able to enhance his skills of business operational expertise in a large professional environment. Growing the business in Chennai unit and making it self-sustainable is something that he is greatly looking forward to.

Abhinek is not married, and in his free time he enjoys cooking, reading various genres of books (from business orientated to fiction) and he is passionate about gathering varied information on various subjects including interesting tourist spots and food across globe.

We wish to extend all our best wishes of success in this new role and his career progression within the Group.

New Appointments – September 2014 Mon, 29 Sep 2014 08:40:27 +0000 AGS welcomes the following newly appointed or relocated managers:

Matt Burden
AGS Movers Jakarta
Branch Manager
Matt Burden

A British National, Matt joined the AGS Family on the 18th of August in Hong Kong for his induction and training.  He will officially take over the reins of the Jakarta branch in September 2014. Matt holds a Diploma in Business and Finance from the London Met University and started his career in 1993 as Sales Manager for Crown Worldwide in Hong Kong.

He subsequently joined the Allied Pickfords Group in 1996 as Franchise Manager in Bangkok and Country Manager in Hong Kong. In 2004, he founded – and was Managing Director for – Relocasia in Hong Kong, before becoming the Chief Executive Officer of Writer Relocasia (South-East Asia) in 2011.

After a sabbatical period, during which he resided in Thailand, Matt is now keen to embark on the next stage in his career and to play a part in the further advancement of the AGS Group in Asia, having observed the explosive growth of the group over the past 10 years.

Matt is married to Sandrine (an ex-Parisian) and they have two children – Louis and Théa.

Avid explorers, him and his family enjoy experiencing new places and cultures and are especially looking forward to go out during weekends to surf some of the best waves in the world that is offered in Indonesia. Matt is also a qualified Football Coach with the English Football Association.

We wish to welcome Matt to the group and we also wish both him and Steve all the best in their new postings.

Raphaël Baptista
AGS Movers Angola
Branch Manager

A 1998 graduate of the NEGOCIA Business School, Raphaël Baptista started his professional career as an International Business Volunteer at AGS Movers Mozambique. At the end of this assignment, Raphaël returned to France where he used the skills he had acquired to work as a branch manager for Warning SA for 2 years, before returning to the Group as the manager for AGS Movers Botswana in 2005.

Between 2006 and 2010, Raphaël was given new responsibilities and a new challenge with a position as Project Manager for the MOBILITAS Group’s New Activities. Raphaël was then involved in the launch of a new activity (records management) and in the creation of a secure self-storage brand that would become Stockerseul.

He took over as AGS Movers Mozambique Branch Manager in 2010 and his drive and involvement within the Group helped him be nominated as one of the Group’s best Branch Manager.

With a strong background in records management, in self-storage, in removals and in relocation, Raphaël wanted to evolve and was entrusted with the management of AGS Movers Angola as of 1 September 2014.

Gilles De Matos

AGS Movers Mozambique
Branch Manager
Gilles De Matos

With dual French and Portuguese nationality, Gilles de Matos naturally worked towards an international career. Gilles is fluent in 4 languages (Portuguese, French, English and Spanish). After graduating with a Master in Science and Technology in international trade, Gilles started his professional career in Africa at the French Trade Commission in Maputo, Mozambique. After this two-year professional experience, he wanted to give his career a new impetus and joined the AGS Group in early January 2005. His first role within the Group was that of a trainee Branch Manager; he was trained first in Portugal, then in Luanda, Angola; a decision was then made to give him the management of AGS Movers Angola in July 2007.

Since then, he displayed great capabilities in his role and was repeatedly one of the winners of the Best Branch Managers Annual Competitions.

After 7 years at the head of AGS Movers Angola, Gilles let us know that he was ready for new challenges. He is now taking over as Branch Manager for AGS Movers Mozambique as of 1 September 2014.

Gilles De Matos is married and the proud father of 4 children – 2 boys and 2 girls.

AGS Movers Lubumbashi
Branch Manager
Albéric De Colnet


After obtaining a Master in Management with a semester overseas spent in the Philippines, Albéric de Colnet joined the AGS Group in 2011 as an International Business Volunteer. After 2 years as an IBV at AGS Movers Cameroon – Douala, he wished to keep going with the AGS adventure and was aiming to become Branch Manager. In the space of one year, Albéric finished his training by becoming Trainee Manager. This gave him a chance to show his motivation and his sales and managerial capabilities in the four African branches where he worked: Cameroon, Chad, Kenya and Sudan. Albéric was sent to Lubumbashi in the DRC on 24 June 2014. Following Alain Yves’ departure, the management of AGS Movers Lubumbashi was entrusted to Albéric de Colnet.

AGS Develops Rising Stars in Africa Tue, 22 Apr 2014 13:55:46 +0000 Three up-and-coming AGS branch managers in Africa are validating the confidence that AGS International Movers places in supporting dynamic staff with fresh ideas.

Iris Becquart, Sophie Bidau and Carole-Anne Duchet have a lot in common. All three joined AGS through long-term VIE internships after completing their studies, all three were posted to positions within AGS Movers Africa, and through their hard work and dynamic spirit all three have recently been appointed as branch managers in Africa.

According to AGS’ Group Human Resources Director, Christophe Mordelet, the decisions to send young female interns into challenging African business and cultural environments, and later to promote them to manage their respective branches, were neither taken lightly nor without precedents set by other top-performing young interns.

“It was a challenge but I like to always go against the cliché,” reflects Christophe.

“Today more than one third of the long-term VIE interns in the group are women. When people are courageous, when they have ideas, and when they like to work – for our chairman they are the keys of success internally in the company.”

Challenging Gender Stereotypes

Iris Becquart commenced her internship with AGS in 2008 in a sales role in Uganda, after completing her Master’s degree in International Transport, Logistics and Trade. Although she had never been in Africa before, Iris rose to the challenge.

“I’ve had an adventurous spirit since I was very young, travelling everywhere by myself, so it was encouraging for me to be sharing an experience in Africa,” she says. “It was East Africa and at the time it was not a very well-known country, and everything that was not known was actually attracting me.”

Sophie Bidau, by contrast, was already engaged in humanitarian work in Niger when she met with the AGS branch manager there, who encouraged her to apply for the programme. Like Iris, Sophie was comfortable working internationally.

“My dad is in the military, so I never lived more than two or three years in the same place,” she says.

Carole-Anne Duchet reveals that she’d already been living abroad ever since she was born in Germany, and her whole family share a love of travelling.

“When AGS offered a job to me in Africa, especially since I knew the African continent, I just said yes, no problem,” she says. “I just finished my contract in France and jumped on the first plane to Zambia.”

Whereas Carole-Anne started off with AGS Movers Zambia and was later appointed in 2013 as the branch manager for the same branch – she describes working in Zambia as a ‘love story’ – it was somewhat different for Iris and Sophie.

“Between 2008 and 2012 I was on training and moving between different branches. I’ve been in Gabon, Mali, Benin and then back to East Africa,” explains Iris. “You go in different branches with different cultures and different ways of dealing with people – the challenges are the same, but there are different ways of doing things.”

Sophie also experienced a number of countries with AGS, starting in Ghana and moving to Angola, then Kenya, then back to Ghana and later to Zimbabwe, where she was appointed the AGS branch manager at the end of 2012. According to Sophie the biggest challenge she had to overcome was adapting to the new rules and different ways of approaching people in each country she worked in, but her gender was never a factor.

“I really think that being a woman makes the work easier. In Angola for example all the feedback I had was that it was impossible, and I found it possible – even if it was tough,”

Sophie explains with a smile.

“Mainly because when the guys didn’t want at first to do what I wanted them to, I just had to show them that they were not doing it, I was doing it. They were too proud to let a woman do it, so they finally did the job after all.”

Iris and Carole-Anne both agree with her on this point.

“The men really want to support you and to respect you and to surprise you, so I guess there is a communication that is quite different,” adds Iris.

“Our activity is challenging, because people mostly waiting for their personal effects are eager to receive their containers,” elaborates Carole-Anne. “Usually they will come to my office and want their container immediately. When the people see me it calms them down, and we have open communication rather than anger. I think being a woman aids your conflict resolution, so I take it as an advantage.”

Promoting rising stars

Christophe himself challenged norms when he was appointed 18 years ago as AGS’ Human Resources manager at the age of 28 – making him the fifth youngest HR manager in France at the time. AGS’ Africa and Middle East Regional Director, Guillaume Dehem, provides a similar example – also despatched to Africa on the same long-term internship programme, Guillaume was appointed as branch manager and later given responsibility over the African network.

“For me it’s quite normal, and today I motivate and push network managers to recruit and help young people to take positions as branch managers. We are not like many other companies, filling out some evaluation forms saying, ‘Yes here, yes here, no here,’”

explains Christophe.

“We are not looking for diplomas: we are looking for people who can always find solutions in the situations they are in. For us it is more important than for many companies, because one third of our network is located in Africa.”

CAPTION: At the AGS African Conference in Cape Town, South Africa (Left to Right): Werner Steffen, International Human Resources Manager for Europe, Asia and the Middle East; Carole-Anne Duchet, Branch Manager: AGS Movers Zambia; Iris Becquart, Branch Manager: AGS Movers Rwanda; Christophe Mordelet, AGS Group Human Resources Director and Sophie Bidau, Branch Manager: AGS Movers Zimbabwe.
