International Moving | AGS Movers International Removals Mon, 29 May 2023 07:40:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 International Moving | AGS Movers 32 32 AGS Director joins the IAM Member Board Tue, 02 Oct 2018 11:19:26 +0000 We are pleased to announce the appointment of Thomas de Mallmann, AGS Africa Desk Director, to the International Association of Movers’ (IAM) Core Members Management Board (CMMB), as a representative of the Africa region.

The CMMB represents IAM members at the executive committee of the organisation. Its mission is to pass on the concerns and possible problems encountered by members in the execution of their profession.

After graduating with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree, Thomas joined AGS in 2003 as a VIE (International Volunteer in Enterprise) in Gabon. He later joined the company’s internal training programme and managed several branches including Cape Verde, Egypt, Romania and Urkraine. Thomas was appointed Deputy to the Africa Director in 2008. He travelled intensively all over the continent and took an active part in the opening of new branches including the DRC, South Sudan and Mauritius.

Thomas took over the management of the AGS Africa Desk in July 2012. The Africa Desk offers our customers a single point of contact for the entire African continent, the fifty employees of this division manage an average of 8,000 operations per year and rely on the expertise of our 64 African branches.

Thomas sees this appointment as a recognition of his experience in Africa:

“I am very honoured by this nomination. During my 15 years at AGS, I was able to understand all aspects of the international moving industry. Africa is an exciting continent and I hope to contribute as a core member to provide a better understanding of its logistical aspects and the challenges that our industry may face on the continent.“

Married and father of three little ones, Thomas has been living in Cape Town with his family since 2008. When his very busy schedule allows, this kind-hearted 39-year-old executive enjoys surfing, reading and exploring South Africa with his family and friends.

Tips for Expats: Adapting to Living in a New Country Tue, 22 May 2018 06:49:38 +0000 It is not uncommon for people to experience homesickness during their first few months in a new country. However, with the right mindset and preparation, adapting to living in a new country as an expat can be a rewarding and life-changing experience. Expatriates usually experience three phases while adjusting to their new country, including the honeymoon phase, negotiation phase and adjustment phase.


Expat Adjustment Phases

Expats explore new surroundings

Honeymoon phase

During the honeymoon phase, newly arrived expatriates are excited about their new surroundings and are eager to explore. They are very positive about their relocation.

Negotiation phase



After a few weeks in their new country, expatriates usually experience homesickness. Simple day-to-day tasks, such as taking transportation, going shopping, or attending school meetings can become a challenge in a different environment. This is sometimes exacerbated by language barriers. These are challenges that locals may not be able to understand, and they may be seen by expatriates as being insensitive or unsympathetic people.


The negotiation phase is the stage in which expatriates are most likely to create stereotypes. Stereotyping may help the ego of someone suffering from severe culture shock, but it won’t help you adapt.

Attitude – a factor of success:

A good attitude is essential for a good expatriation experience. Frustration leads to aggressiveness and roughness towards others. Locals, in turn, behave the same way or ignore the expatriate, further increasing stereotypes and frustration. Expatriates who overcome this step are usually successful in their expatriation, those who do not, may leave the host country earlier than expected. 

Three types of reactions:


  • Rejecters: Some expatriates find adapting to a new country and its culture to be particularly difficult. They tend to isolate themselves from the host country, which they perceive as hostile, and believe that returning home is the only way for them to be comfortable with their surroundings again.
  • Adopters: These are expatriates who embrace their host culture and country completely and lose their original identity. They usually choose to stay in the host country forever.
  • Cosmopolitans: They see their host country and culture positively and manage to adapt while keeping their original identity. They create a life that contains enjoyable elements from each culture and usually have no problem returning to their home country or relocating elsewhere.


Adjustment phase

Six to twelve months after arriving in their host country, expatriates usually begin to grow accustomed to their new home and know what to expect from their surroundings. Daily activities become routine, and the customs of the host country are accepted as an alternative way of life.

At this stage, expatriates can communicate more freely with the locals. The previously hostile country has now become a place they can learn from and enrich their lives. Once expatriates have reached this stage, the longer they remain in the host country, the more unique their experience will be.


7 Ways to Make the Move Easier

There are certain steps you can take to minimise culture shock and homesickness, and to ensure a smooth and successful relocation.

1. Do your Research
Visa application new countryThe first step in adapting to a new country is to research and learn about the culture, customs, and language. This will help you better understand the way of life in your new home and avoid any cultural misunderstandings. Before moving, take time to read about the country’s history, traditions and norms, as well as the legal requirements, such as visas and work permits. You can also join expat forums and connect with locals to get a better understanding of the culture.


2. Learn the Language

Learning the local language can also make a huge difference in your ability to adapt. Take language classes or immerse yourself in the language by listening to music, watching TV shows, and speaking with locals. Even if you only learn the basics, locals will appreciate your efforts and it can go a long way in building relationships. Consider learning phrases that you will need to communicate with people you are likely to meet on a day-to-basis. For example, transport staff (taxi or bus drivers), shopkeepers, bank tellers, rental agents, and health practitioners.
Language apps, like Duolingo and Babbel are a convenient way to master the essentials before you even arrive. The Mondly app is great for learning specific phrases.

3. Build a support system
Expats connecting in new country

Joining local groups and clubs, attending cultural events, and making an effort to connect with other expats will help you to build a social network. This can help you feel more at home and ease any feelings of loneliness or isolation.

4. Stay connected with family and friends

Regular contact with loved ones back home can help ease the transition and reduce feelings of homesickness. With technology, it is easier than ever to keep in touch through video calls and social media. However, it is important to also make an effort to connect with people in your new country and to build some local relationships.

5. Explore your new surroundings

Getting out and about is a great way to get to know your new country and build a sense of familiarity. Take time to explore your new city or town, visit local landmarks, and try new foods. This can be a fun and exciting way to adapt to your new surroundings.

6. Be gentle with yourself

It is important to remember that adapting to a new country takes time. Don’t expect to feel at home right away. Give yourself time to adjust and don’t be too hard on yourself if you experience culture shock or homesickness. With patience, an open mind, and a willingness to learn and adapt, you can build a new life and make the most of your expat experience.

7. Use a Reputable Removal Company
AGS reputable moving companyWhen moving long distance, a reputable removal company can help make the process smoother and more efficient. Removal companies have access to specialised equipment and tools that can make the moving process much easier. They can also save you time by packing and unpacking your items, as well as transporting them to your new home. Additionally, most reputable removal companies offer insurance to protect your belongings during the move. This can provide you with peace of mind and ensure that you are financially protected in the event of damage or loss.

For a seamless and stress-free transition to your new home abroad, contact AGS Movers for your free quote today!


• “Expert expatriate: Your guide to successful relocation abroad, moving, living, thriving” by Melissa Brayer and Patricia Linderman
• “Breaking through culture shock: What you need to succeed in international business” by Elisabeth Marx

Anthony Waugh inducted into 2017 Hall of Honor Wed, 20 Dec 2017 12:18:57 +0000 We are pleased to announce that AGS Vice President of US Partner Relations, Anthony (Tony) Waugh has been inducted into the International Association of Movers’ prestigious Hall of Honor.

The IAM’s Hall of Honor was established in 2008 to pay tribute to industry leaders whose careers reflect exceptional and distinguished service to their companies, the Association or who have worked to elevate the industry as a whole. Tony Waugh, a veteran in the international relocations industry, started in the industry in 1978 when the software company, in which he was a partner, developed computer systems for Trans-Euro and other European Movers.

Tony’s company later re-wrote the systems for US Van Lines, which led him to move from his home country of Ireland to the USA in 1984. The system was installed at North American International, United Van Lines and Mayflower over the next 18 months. He joined Mayflower in 1986 to develop agent communications systems and was subsequently appointed as the VP of their international division in 1988, a position he held until 1996.

He joined Global Silverhawk in 1996 and held positions as Executive VP and COO until leaving to start a consulting business in 2000. His consulting clients included Runzheimer, Suddath, PWC, Bank One and AGS Worldwide Movers.

In 2008, AGS Worldwide Movers hired Tony as a partner responsible for the Group’s US relations, and to study and develop our relationship with the American market.

AGS Group Management congratulates Tony on this exceptional achievement and wishes him continued success for the future.

AGS and DS Avocats host mobility seminar Tue, 22 Aug 2017 09:25:52 +0000 AGS and DS Avocats welcomed companies with similar interests in international mobility, on 23 June, at the magnificent Musée du Quai Branly – Jacques Chirac in Paris, France.

For international stakeholders, the acceleration of the globalisation process means the search for competitiveness which can lead to expatriate talent management.

AGS and DS Avocats suggested solutions to manage the complexity of international mobility. AGS shed light on the impact of geopolitical, social and technological developments on international mobility. We also mentioned the consequences related to the strengthening of flows to and from Africa and Asia, the increasing computerisation of global mobility management and a stronger link between mobility policy and talent management.

Speaking on behalf of DS Avocats, Maître Chiara Poggi Ferrero, a lawyer at the Milan and Paris Bars, and Maître François Millet, a lawyer at the Paris Bar, deciphered the legal patterns of inbound/outbound mobility. As such, their experts explained in detail the specific requirements that weigh on the employer, including expatriate security and its obligations when the employee returns.

The event included a tour of the museum and the discovery of the exhibition “L’Afrique des Routes”, which AGS sponsors.

About AGS

43 years’ experience, expert in international removal and relocation, 4347 employees, 142 locations in 94 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle-East and the Caribbean.

About DS Avocats

45 years of experience, 400 business lawyers, 26 offices in Europe, America, Asia and Africa.

The new European Union rules about posted workers regarding International movers Tue, 15 Aug 2017 11:58:15 +0000 Brexit might be grabbing the headlines, but the implementation of a new EU directive will also result in challenges for both European Affiliates and the major international movers outside the continent that contract large numbers of moves to FIDI members within the EU. So, What has this piece of EU law got to do with your operation?

Read the full article (PDF)



AGS Movers Ghana recognised as a top performer in FAIMPLUS audit Tue, 08 Nov 2016 14:58:56 +0000 Accredited since 2003, AGS Movers Ghana recently passed FIDI’s lawww auditing standards and was awarded the FIDI-FAIMPLUS accreditation. Rated with extremely high compliance to the strict FAIM standards, the company joins an elite group of top performers in 2016. This achievement coincides with the branch’s 20th anniversary operating in Ghana.



The FIDI-FAIM certification programme requires that international movers have a periodic independent assessment of their inter-continental moving activities. This ensures that FIDI accredited companies work to a worldwide common standard in a uniformed, quality-minded and effective way. It also provides a transparent mechanism that ensures that the standards remain high. Companies who already hold an ISO 9001:2008 quality certificate are eligible for the FAIMPLUS award.

From a customer’s perspective, moving with a FAIM certified company like AGS Movers Ghana, gives confidence and surety that the company has the resources and know-how to perform a successful international move.

The award was based on an on-site audit by external auditors, and was measured against stringent requirements which included the following criteria: Compliance, Supply Chain and Internal Audit.


With this achievement, AGS Movers Ghana joins a select group of international companies to hold the FIDI-FAIMPLUS quality label.


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Payal Singh embraces new FIDI responsibilities Sat, 30 Apr 2016 15:00:27 +0000 Underlining AGS’ commitment to training quality and FIDI, we are proud to announce that Payal Singh – AGS Movers India Country Director – has recently been appointed by the FIDI Academy as a member of their global Trainer team.

In addition to directing AGS Movers’ branch network in India, Payal already dedicates a significant amount of her time to giving back to the international moving industry.

For example, she currently also serves as the President of FIDI India; the Vice President of the Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry; and the Vice Chair of the European Business Group in Delhi.

“I am thrilled to have been appointed as a FIDI Trainer: I feel privileged to be able to share my knowledge and experience with other young professionals in the industry!” says Payal enthusiastically.

“I also consider this a special opportunity to learn even more than what I have over the past 19 years of being in the industry.”

An early task for Payal in this new role will be to travel to South Africa in September, where she will offer training at one of the FIDI Academy’s upcoming ‘Essentials in Moving’ (EiM) seminars – coincidentally to be hosted at AGS Movers Johannesburg’s premises.

Payal will also deliver industry training online and contribute to the development of topical training courses and updating existing FIDI Academy course material. Online training is delivered through FIDI Academy’s ‘webinar’ (web seminar) system, with practical topics ranging from freight forwarding to client surveys and move planning.

“I do consider this as an honour and will ensure that I live up to the expectations of the FIDI Academy,” promises Payal.

AGS wishes her all the best!

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News at a Glance – Spain Thu, 28 Apr 2016 05:57:51 +0000 The sales team from AGS Movers Spain once again ensured that AGS was highly visible through their professional stand at the 2016 Expat Fair in Madrid.

Hosted by RED EXPAT, the annual fair is a valuable opportunity for international relocation managers and service providers to network with each other and discuss service offerings.

News At a Glance – POLAND – October 2015 Wed, 14 Oct 2015 13:55:55 +0000 When the French and German embassies in Warsaw hosted their first joint open day to highlight embassies’ inner workings, AGS was honoured with an invitation extended to only seven other major corporate partners to participate.

The event was a huge success with over 6 000 visitors, and AGS Movers Warsaw introduced international moving in a fun manner through their interactive stand.

Great success for the LACMA Ladies’ inaugural event Thu, 12 Mar 2015 13:56:05 +0000 In February, after months of hard work and continued commitment, AGS Director Joëlle Castro, the Director of the Columbian company Portan, Paula Colmenares and the owner of the Marcela Balderas company, Marcela Balderas, have successfully introduced the first LACMA Ladies event in Punta del Este, Uruguay.

The goal of the event was to not only gather a large number of women to allow them to share their vision of this beautiful industry, but also to raise funds for the Reaching U organisation – which aims to facilitate access to education for Uruguayan children.

The Latin American and Caribbean International Movers Association (LACMA) is an association comprised mainly of the finest Latin American and Caribbean international movers, as well as movers from around the world.

In addition to supporting an honourable cause, the participants made the most of this opportunity to meet and exchange between fellow women of the removals industry.

Thanks to the guests and the generosity of several companies’ Directors, a total of
US $4 060 was raised at the event in February.

Marcela Balderas, LACMA Ladies’ treasurer, was able to gather all the funds and hand it over to Reaching U’s Manager, who was very impressed with the amount raised.

The money is going towards implementing the ‘Ultreia Project’ at the San Adolfo school. This benefits 52 pupils in pre-school and 71 pupils in their 1st to 3rd year of primary school, as the project aims to improve the writing and reading skills at pre-school level and during the three first years of primary school.

Joëlle Castro, Paula Colmenares and Marcela Balderas are very pleased with the outcome and wish to organize similar events in the near future.

A total of 63 women took part in the first LACMA Ladies event, during which four groups were formed in order to debate topics linked to the question of ‘women in the workplace’. The guests then received an exclusive belly dance class by Diana Cuevas from the LACMA office. Her talent was acknowledged by everyone in the venue as she concluded the tutorial with a fantastic performance.

The next LACMA convention will be hosted in Columbia. Given the success of this first LACMA Ladies, Joëlle Castro, Paula Colmenares and Marcela Balderas are determined to do even better in the next gathering!

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