India | AGS Movers International Removals Wed, 25 Oct 2023 06:36:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 India | AGS Movers 32 32 Moving from India to Singapore: Your Go-To Guide Tue, 24 Oct 2023 11:56:35 +0000 To help you prepare for life in the fast lane, let’s dive into what you need to know to make your move to Singapore a breeze.


Singapore’s Cultural Blend and Settling In

The Republic of Singapore is simultaneously a city, an island, and a country. It’s one of just three city-states left in the world, made famous by its emergence as a major international hub for business and innovation.

English is the common language used for business and administration and is widely spoken. Nevertheless, Singapore is a melting pot of cultures – Malay, Chinese, Indian, and more – and you can expect a vibrant cosmopolitan society that incorporates the diverse traditions (and incredible cuisines) of its residents.

When it comes to customs, Singaporeans value courtesy and politeness. Things like taking off your shoes indoors and giving a polite nod to elders are a big deal, and respecting these customs will smooth the way as you settle into daily life.


Singapore’s Visa Requirements

Before you move, however, you need to sort out your visa or permit. The type of visa you need will depend on the purpose of your move, such as employment, study, business, or accompanying a family member. Here are some common visa options:

The Employment Pass (EP) is for foreign professionals and skilled workers, and you will need a job offer from a Singaporean employer to apply for an EP. The S Pass is for mid-skilled workers, while the Dependant Pass (DP) is for family members of EP and S Pass holders. If you plan to study in Singapore, you will need to apply for a Student Pass (STP) which requires an acceptance letter from a recognised educational institution.

The Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) and the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) are the go-to authorities for immigration matters. Applying for a visa involves submitting the necessary documents, including a valid passport, an offer letter (for employment or study), your educational qualifications, and proof of financial stability. Make sure to adhere to the guidelines and timelines provided by these authorities to ensure a smooth process.


Budgeting Basics

Singapore has held the title of the world’s most expensive city for expats four times in a row, which tells you that living there isn’t cheap. Nevertheless, your salary should take that into account, and with some careful planning, you will be able to manage your expenses. Think about housing, transport, healthcare, and international school fees for your children – they all add up.  If you’re interested in comparing the cost of living in Singapore to other countries, check out Numbeo.


Staying Healthy: Doctor Visits and Health Insurance

You can expect top-notch medical care thanks to Singapore’s government and publicly funded universal healthcare system. Take a look at the different plans and find one meets your medical needs. As a permanent resident or a family member of one, you can benefit from MediSave and MediShield Life. It’s important to note that, unlike the NHS, Singapore’s system requires you to pay monthly contributions to a healthcare savings account, allowing you to access medical services at discounted rates.


Public transport in Singapore

A travelling train showcasing Singapore's public transport.Getting around Singapore is a breeze thanks to the MRT system and buses that dot the island; it’s also cheap and efficient. Just as well, because buying a car can be an expensive exercise, both because of the high taxes and the limited parking available. As a car owner, you’ll also have to get a Certificate of Entitlement (COE), which costs nearly as much as the car itself. If you’re not sold on public transport, don’t worry! Singapore also has cycling paths which are well-connected, and you are able to rent bicycles from licensed operators.


Office Life and More

Singapore’s work culture is all about professionalism and punctuality, which may take some getting used to. That said, it’s also great for networking opportunities, and knowing and understanding the culture is sure to give your career a boost.


Fun Facts About Life in Singapore

  1. Chewing gum is nowhere to be found in Singapore. Except for dental gum, which is sold on prescription, its sale has been banned on the island since 1992.
  2. The innovative architecture of buildings in Singapore often features lush greenery on their facades, contributing to the city’s reputation as a “City in a Garden.”
  3. Singapore is made up of 63 islands, with the main island being the largest and most populated.
  4. The English name Singapore comes from the Malay name Singapura which is believed to have been derived from Sanskrit meaning “Lion City”.
  5. The Merlion statue, half-lion and half-fish, is the official mascot of Singapore. It symbolizes the city’s humble beginnings as a fishing village.

Moving from India to Singapore will take some adjustment, but with the right planning and preparation, it can be an exciting journey. The city-state’s reputation for professionalism, technological prowess, and multicultural vibrancy offers a unique experience that blends the familiar with the new, with exciting career opportunities to boot.

Contact AGS Movers India for a personalised relocation service that will assist you at every stage of your move to Singapore.

What You Need to Know When Moving to France from India Thu, 12 Oct 2023 07:39:23 +0000 If you’re planning to pack up your life in India and relocate to the land of wine and cheese – France, there’s a lot you need to know. This blog post is your comprehensive guide, designed to ensure a smooth transition.


Visa Requirements

The purpose of your move to France from India – to work, study or reunite with family, for example – will determine which visa you apply for.

  • A student visa allows you to study in France. You’ll need to provide an acceptance letter from a recognised French educational institution as part of your visa application.
  • A work visa allows you to work in France. The specific type of work visa you apply for will depend on your employment situation, such as whether you have a job offer, are transferring within a company, or are a highly skilled worker.
  • If you’re joining family members who are already living in France, you may need a family reunification visa. This type of visa is reserved for spouses, children, and other dependents.
  • If you plan to start a business in France, you may qualify for an Entrepreneur/Investor visa.

Depending on your visa type and the duration of your stay, you might also need to apply for a residence permit (Carte de Séjour) upon arrival in France. This permit allows you to legally live in the country for an extended period.

Find all the necessary visa requirements and complete your visa application process.


Learning French: A Bridge to Integration

Learn French for beginnersFar from being optional, knowing France’s official language when moving from India is the key to your integration into the country and the culture. Here’s why:

Daily convenience: Whether you’re shopping for groceries, using public transport, or seeking assistance with everyday tasks, knowing French makes daily life easier and more efficient.

Career advancement: If you’re moving for work, being proficient in French can significantly enhance your career prospects. Many job opportunities and networking connections require at least a working knowledge of the language.

Enhanced experience: While you don’t need to be fluent, making an effort to learn the language will greatly enrich your experience in France. It will help you connect with locals, understand the culture better, and make your transition more enjoyable.

Fortunately, there are plenty of resources available to help you on your language-learning journey. You can consider enrolling in language schools, taking online courses, or participating in local language exchange groups. Whether you aim for basic conversational skills or aspire to fluency, your commitment to learning French will be an investment that pays off in multiple ways.



If you’ve lived in France for three months and plan to stay for another three months or more, you’re eligible to use the French healthcare system. A combination of public and private services, healthcare in France is renowned for its high quality, accessibility, and comprehensive coverage. It is also state subsidised, which means that while you pay for the medical services you receive, they won’t cost you an arm and a leg.


Cultural Contrasts between India and France

India and France are both known for having distinct customs, traditions, and social norms. You’ll notice many differences when moving from one country to the other, but each will give you an intriguing insight into the distinct histories and societal foundations of these two nations.

Social Interaction and Personal Space:

In India, interactions often involve physical proximity, reflecting the country’s communal ethos. Hugs, handshakes, and even light touches are common in conversation. In contrast, French people are more reserved. They value personal space and maintain a formal demeanour during initial meetings. Handshakes are common, but excessive physical contact might be perceived as intrusive.

Communication Styles:

Indians are known for their warm and indirect communication, often veiling disagreements or negative responses to maintain harmony. This contrasts with the direct and articulate communication style favoured by the French, who value candour and clarity, even if it means addressing disagreements openly.

Cuisine and Dining Etiquette:

Indian cuisine thrives on rich spices, and meals often involve communal eating and sharing dishes, creating a sense of togetherness. In French cuisine, spices play a less significant role. Meals are more likely to be served in individual portions across multiple courses, often accompanied by wine.

Work Culture:
Parisian woman embracing her French culture
India’s work culture is often marked by a strong sense of hierarchy and respect for authority. Long work hours and a blend of personal and professional interactions are common. In France there is a similar respect for hierarchy, but work-life balance is more highly prized, symbolised by the famous 35-hour workweek. Much importance is placed on leisure and personal time.


Time in India is often perceived more flexibly, with a tolerance for delays and last-minute changes. In France, however, punctuality is a sign of respect. Arriving late might be interpreted as indifference or disregard for others’ time, so it’s essential to be mindful of this cultural norm.

Religion and Spirituality:

India’s spiritual diversity is reflected in its multitude of religious practices and festivals, which are deeply integrated into daily life. As a secular state, France separates religion from public affairs. Spirituality is often a personal matter, and public displays of religiosity are less common.

Fashion and Dress Codes:

Indian fashion is a vibrant manifestation of the country’s cultural diversity, with traditional attire varying across regions. In France, clothing is an integral part of the culture and seen as a way to express your individuality. Dress codes are often more formal, even in casual settings.

Celebrations and Festivals:

India’s festivals are exuberant and often community-driven, celebrating various religious and cultural occasions. In France, festivals such as Bastille Day and Carnival have historical and cultural significance, bringing communities together to commemorate shared heritage.

Read more about the Culture in France.


Tips for moving from India to France

  1. Ensure You Have Copies of Everything

Paperwork plays a significant role in France. Whether you’re concluding a new mobile phone contract or renting an apartment, having proof of nearly everything is essential. Keep copies of your payslips, bank statements, and tax documents to ensure a smooth transition.

  1. Patience Is Key When Cultivating New Relationships

The French tend to be more formal in their social and professional interactions, meaning it may take a bit longer to make friends. Be patient, and don’t take it personally. Building relationships will come with time.

  1. Purchase a Breathalyser Kit

It’s a legal requirement for drivers in France to carry breathalyser kits in their vehicles, a measure aimed at curbing drunk driving. If you’re found without a breathalyser kit you could face fines.

  1. Adapt and Embrace Flexibility

You’ll likely hear about the extensive bureaucracy within French systems. Through experience, you’ll learn that restaurants close during non-meal hours, and shops might have lunchtime closures. Additionally, key personnel might be on extended summer vacations just when you need their assistance. Instead of getting frustrated, approach these situations with a French perspective—shrug it off and adapt gracefully.

Your move from India to France is an exciting journey filled with new experiences and opportunities. By following the correct immigration procedure, understanding the cultural differences, and embracing the French language you can make the move one rewarding both personally and professionally.

Contact AGS Movers India for a customised moving experience that guides you through each step of your relocation.

AGS Hyderabad donates to flood victims Thu, 13 Sep 2018 09:48:55 +0000 AGS Movers Hyderabad recently collaborated with Goonj, a non-governmental organisation which focuses on disaster relief, humanitarian aid and community development to give donations to victims of the recent floods in the Kerala region.

An unusually high rainfall during the monsoon season, which started in July 2018, has led to severe floods and has affected the south Indian state of Kerala. It has been the worst flooding in Kerala in nearly a century with over 483 people reportedly dead and 14 missing.

On 29 August, AGS Hyderabad collaborated with several good Samaritans within the city to arrange collections of food supplies, clothes, linen and tarpaulin to be donated to flood victims through Goonj.

AGS supports sports and solidarity Thu, 10 Aug 2017 13:10:01 +0000 While the practice of sport has many advantages in the education of children such as the development of motor skills or the desire to succeed, collective play teaches them about mutual support and cooperation. In addition to these educational benefits, sport is also a way for many young people to improve their social standing and meet children from different backgrounds. AGS, through its subsidiary managers, encourages initiatives that promote these values.

Social diversity through the Delhi Youth League

In New Delhi, Payal Singh, Manager of AGS Movers India, has chosen to sponsor the Delhi Youth League, an organisation that aims to develop soccer among young people aged 6 to 19, from all social, cultural and religious origins. With the motto “the best teaching is the game itself”, the Delhi Youth League brings together children from underprivileged backgrounds supported by NGOs who play for free, as well as students from international, public and private schools who pay to play. Through soccer, children discover teammates that they would never have encountered in their everyday lives. In addition, every week during the season from September to April, budding players participate in matches and learn the discipline and rules that govern the competition.

AGS presents the Most Valuable Player of the Year Award

Throughout the year, following every match, each coach selects the “Most Valuable Player” (MVP) of the match in the opposing team. The MVP is not necessarily the one who scored the most goals, but the one who contributed most effectively to the team’s performance. At each game, AGS offers a soccer ball to both players. On 27 May, the league recognised, in each age group, those who had been designated MVP most often during the year. AGS sponsored this award and Payal Singh was there to present the award at the ceremony at the British School in New Delhi.

Established in 2012, the league has experienced a growing enthusiasm as evidenced by the 1000 youths playing across six age groups during the 2016-17 season. Thanks to soccer and the values associated with sport, the league offers young people from very different backgrounds, opportunities to express themselves, to better understand each other and to become agents of social change.

Six age groups were rewarded:
Under 7, U9, U11, U13, U15 and U19 with AGS India Manager, Payal Singh.  

Payal Singh embraces new FIDI responsibilities Sat, 30 Apr 2016 15:00:27 +0000 Underlining AGS’ commitment to training quality and FIDI, we are proud to announce that Payal Singh – AGS Movers India Country Director – has recently been appointed by the FIDI Academy as a member of their global Trainer team.

In addition to directing AGS Movers’ branch network in India, Payal already dedicates a significant amount of her time to giving back to the international moving industry.

For example, she currently also serves as the President of FIDI India; the Vice President of the Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry; and the Vice Chair of the European Business Group in Delhi.

“I am thrilled to have been appointed as a FIDI Trainer: I feel privileged to be able to share my knowledge and experience with other young professionals in the industry!” says Payal enthusiastically.

“I also consider this a special opportunity to learn even more than what I have over the past 19 years of being in the industry.”

An early task for Payal in this new role will be to travel to South Africa in September, where she will offer training at one of the FIDI Academy’s upcoming ‘Essentials in Moving’ (EiM) seminars – coincidentally to be hosted at AGS Movers Johannesburg’s premises.

Payal will also deliver industry training online and contribute to the development of topical training courses and updating existing FIDI Academy course material. Online training is delivered through FIDI Academy’s ‘webinar’ (web seminar) system, with practical topics ranging from freight forwarding to client surveys and move planning.

“I do consider this as an honour and will ensure that I live up to the expectations of the FIDI Academy,” promises Payal.

AGS wishes her all the best!

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AGS Director Strengthens India-France Relations Fri, 05 Dec 2014 13:56:05 +0000 AGS congratulates Payal Singh, AGS Movers India Country Director, on her election to Vice President of the Board of the Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI) for 2015-2016.

The IFCCI, fosters mutually-beneficial economic and commercial relations between Indian and French businesses, and currently has over 510 businesses as members throughout its three offices in Mumbai, New Delhi and Chennai.

During the IFCCI’s recent 159th Governing Council meeting, Pierre Behnam was elected as the IFCCI’s President of the Chamber for 2015, and he will be supported by Payal Singh and two other newly-elected Vice Presidents.

“As Vice-President I will be working to create and put into action key strategies to encourage the growth of business between France and India,”

explains Payal, who is delighted by this lawww appointment.

“Working with the executive committee, I will be focusing on creating relevant and informative networking events and providing a useful forum for businessmen and women to meet and exchange experiences.”

Payal has been a member of the IFCCI for six years, and is also currently serving as the President of FIDI India and as the Vice Chairperson of the Delhi Council of the European Business Group.

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AGS Moves the Moulin Rouge, the World’s Most Famous Cabaret Wed, 15 May 2013 08:22:30 +0000 AGS Movers France had the pleasure of moving the Moulin Rouge, who performed to rapturous crowds at the Accor Hotels in Mumbai and New Delhi, India.
The operation was unusually demanding because it was a temporary export and the gorgeous costumes have real feathers, making them sensitive items for customs.

AGS expertly moved air trunks packed with the Moulin Rouge’s costumes and equipment through Mumbai and New Delhi, before returning them to Paris. With the assistance of AGS Movers India, AGS France was able to negotiate the entry of the delicate outfits.
AGS organised the air shipments of the five trunks of costumes to arrive early in India, allowing them time to clear customs and be delivered in advance for the Mumbai show followed only 2 days later by a show in New Delhi.

AGS’ renowned service was executed at such an outstanding level thanks to Nacima Boukhalfa and Isabelle Bax at AGS Movers Paris, and the skilful coordination of Vineet Walimbe amongst others at AGS Movers India. The performances of the Moulin Rouge were highly successful and as a French family-owned company, AGS is especially proud to be associated with the iconic cabaret.

We wish them all the best in their future performances. À la vôtre!

5 Moulin Rouge dancers posing.

Moulin Rouge stage dancers.

AGS Movers Bangalore delivers a donation of books Thu, 16 Jul 2009 10:27:15 +0000 AGS Movers Bangalore has proven its support for the promotion of international cultures by sponsoring the delivery of 6,000 French books to the Alliance Française of Bangalore, all provided by the French association “Le Bouquin Volant”.

Although second hand, these books are in perfect condition and are donated by French libraries or individuals. The French association sends these books to schools, associations or libraries, upon request. In 2009, more than 110,000 books were shipped around the world.

The AGS Movers Bangalore branch organised everything from clearance to delivery of thousands of books to the final destination in the Karnataka state, where Bangalore Alliance Française has recently opened several centres in Mysore, Mangalore, and Manipal, and soon in Belgaum. The Alliance Française is a network of teaching and learning centres devoted to the promotion of French language and culture.

AGS Movers Bangalore is pleased to have participated in this operation and to support the development of foreign culture in Bangalore.
