haiti | AGS Movers https://www.agsmovers.com International Removals Thu, 07 Mar 2024 14:47:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.4 https://www.agsmovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/cropped-ags_icon-150x150.png haiti | AGS Movers https://www.agsmovers.com 32 32 AGS supports young Haitians in uncertain times https://www.agsmovers.com/news/ags-haiti-supporting-the-community/ Wed, 29 Nov 2023 08:15:50 +0000 https://staging.agsmovers.com/?p=71320 With gangs gaining a foothold and the number of major crimes setting “new records”, the UN warns that many Haitians are living in a climate of unprecedented danger. Against this backdrop, AGS is helping motivated young Haitians better their lives through learning.

Since opening its doors in Port-au-Prince in 2012, AGS Haiti has built a network both internationally amongst the French diaspora and in the local neighbourhood. “People know us, also the young people here, and we help those who are genuinely motivated to study to improve their prospects,” says Alain Douafli, branch manager in Haiti.


Motivation first and foremost

The initiative, launched by his predecessor Lucien Kancel, relies chiefly on the motivation of the young people seeking support. First, they send a letter to Douafli, who then meets with them to hear their case. If successful, AGS undertakes to pay their application and tuition fees at Haiti Tec, a technical and vocational training centre in Port-au-Prince.  A team member from AGS Haiti will also act as their sponsor, providing additional support. “But we do ask them to pay for their own enrolment, as proof of their commitment,” stresses the branch manager. “The young people we support regularly come talk to us about their results and how their courses are going.”

In 2022, AGS supported a young woman who is now an accounting graduate. This year, the branch is supporting two young men, one of whom wants to take a mechanics course to repair motorbikes. “I see a twofold benefit in this: supporting this young man now and then, in the future, being able to entrust him with the repair of our branch’s motorbikes or those of our employees,” says Douafli.


Keeping in touch

The branch manager tries to keep in touch with the young people he supports as much as possible, inviting them to branch events, for example. Those who don’t find a job immediately are offered the chance to work for AGS as seasonal workers, when labour needs are high. “We know them, we know their work ethic and that we can rely on them. Having a back-up plan for if they can’t find a job is reassuring for them and for us.”

As a member of the UN Global Compact, AGS supports local communities around the world. To find out more about the work we do, see our latest Communication on Progress.

Did you know that in the Caribbean Islands Carnival is a celebration of food? https://www.agsmovers.com/news/did-you-know-that-in-the-caribbean-islands-carnival-is-a-celebration-of-food/ Fri, 16 Apr 2021 12:01:16 +0000 https://www.agsmovers.com/?p=51576  

Carnival in the Caribbean is synonymous with joyous celebration and troops of glittering dancers shimmying through the streets, but originally it was the last opportunity for medieval peasants to eat well as food supplies dwindled towards the end of winter.

On what is now called Shrove Tuesday, commoners would eat the remaining lard, butter, dairy, and meat before they began to spoil.

Fast forward to the present and food is still very much at the center of Carnival celebrations. “Barbeque is everywhere during Carnival on Curacao,” points out Tom Bielsma, branch manager of AGS Curacao. “Why? Because it’s the easiest thing to eat while you watch the parades from the side of the road!”

Across the Caribbean, February and March mark the beginning of Carnival festivities. During this time, many islands share their traditions, including Jump-ups – parties where you “jump up” to dance, and parades of all kinds set to the beat of Tumba and Calypso rhythms.

Celebrations culminate with the burning of the Momo, a papier-mâché effigy who is introduced as the king of proceedings when Carnival begins. Momo is the symbol of mischief and decadence who is set alight to demonstrate that no matter how fun the Carnival was, all good things must come to an end, much like the winter food supplies of the past.

A thank you video for AGS Haiti https://www.agsmovers.com/news/a-thank-you-video-for-ags-haiti/ Mon, 01 Jun 2020 07:59:24 +0000 https://www.agsmovers.com/?p=45664 AGS Haiti remains operational and committed to you. Our expertise will ensure your move is professional and seamless no matter where you move to.

Covering 142 locations in 96 countries, AGS has one of the largest networks in the international removals industry.
