Guadeloupe | AGS Movers International Removals Mon, 29 May 2023 07:33:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Guadeloupe | AGS Movers 32 32 AGS supports victims of storm Fiona in Guadeloupe Fri, 02 Dec 2022 14:43:45 +0000 AGS teams mobilised to help the victims.]]> Storm Fiona left a significant mark on Guadeloupe. Torrential rains caused considerable property damage on the island of Basse-Terre and one death. Guadeloupe declared the storm a natural disaster.

The victims are numerous, with some having lost everything. Fortunately, they have received tremendous support and assistance. On October 9th, a big solidarity concert took place with artists from the West Indies. At the same time, the Paris region launched an appeal for donations.

In total, Guadeloupeans received 40m³ in donations, thanks to AGS Movers.

The teams wanted to show their solidarity and provided a container to transport the donations to the “island of beautiful waters”. Among these donations are food, school supplies and clothing. Everything the victims need.

The donations are expected to arrive in Guadeloupe in December.


AGS Guadeloupe’s assistance to “Handi Defis” Fri, 10 Sep 2021 09:55:17 +0000 disability among the top priorities of its five-year term. Many non-profit organisations are taking action to assist people with disabilities. Among them, Handi Defis, a Guadeloupean organisation that supports the disabled and changes preconceptions by challenging stereotypes.]]> “Moving forward together!“ “Mobility and well-being for all.” Behind these slogans lie the ambitions of Handi Défis. Created in 2016, the Guadeloupean organisation’s goal is to provide mobility to the disabled and simplify their everyday lives. One of the islanders to benefit is Martine, who suffers from a cerebral motor disability that impedes her movement and speech. Through the organisation, she acquired Bobby, her service dog, who helps her get around in daily life.


Erasing prejudices and living together

To create connections between the able-bodied and the disabled, and so erase prejudices and break taboos, Handi Defis has expanded its operations to include managing and financing many cultural and sports events.  Handi Day and the Tour Cycliste de la Guadeloupe are two such occasions. They are free, open to everyone and bring together Guadeloupean communities in a welcoming atmosphere.

Born from a meeting of two rally enthusiasts – François Chataigne, AGS Network Manager for the French Overseas Territories and the Caribbean, and Jean Marie Pili, Handi Defis President – the organisation has built a partnership with AGS Movers in Guadeloupe over the last five years. “We all feel concerned,” says François Chataigne. “Mobility is a subject that is particularly close to my heart, so when we met, I immediately offered my help. “


Facilitating disabled mobility

In concrete terms, the AGS team helps with event logistics. They import equipment for disabled people from mainland France and provide disabled passenger transport vehicles. For the Tour Cycliste de Guadeloupe, the AGS moving company staff transports and supports disabled spectators so that they can see the stages and participate in adapted activities in the Tour village.

“The objective of this partnership is to facilitate the mobility of disabled people by simplifying their access to equipment and making their lives easier,” explains François Chataigne. “Helping local communities by supporting non-profit organisations is a way of reaching out.” AGS Gaudeloupe also provides funding support. For example, they helped train Bobby, Martine’s dog.

And the great adventure continues. This year, Handi Defis will make use of one-wheeled all-terrain chairs known as Joëlettes to transport islanders with disabilities to La Soufrière, the famous Guadeloupean volcano that is also the island’s highest peak. A dream for all!

Did you know that in the Caribbean Islands Carnival is a celebration of food? Fri, 16 Apr 2021 12:01:16 +0000  

Carnival in the Caribbean is synonymous with joyous celebration and troops of glittering dancers shimmying through the streets, but originally it was the last opportunity for medieval peasants to eat well as food supplies dwindled towards the end of winter.

On what is now called Shrove Tuesday, commoners would eat the remaining lard, butter, dairy, and meat before they began to spoil.

Fast forward to the present and food is still very much at the center of Carnival celebrations. “Barbeque is everywhere during Carnival on Curacao,” points out Tom Bielsma, branch manager of AGS Curacao. “Why? Because it’s the easiest thing to eat while you watch the parades from the side of the road!”

Across the Caribbean, February and March mark the beginning of Carnival festivities. During this time, many islands share their traditions, including Jump-ups – parties where you “jump up” to dance, and parades of all kinds set to the beat of Tumba and Calypso rhythms.

Celebrations culminate with the burning of the Momo, a papier-mâché effigy who is introduced as the king of proceedings when Carnival begins. Momo is the symbol of mischief and decadence who is set alight to demonstrate that no matter how fun the Carnival was, all good things must come to an end, much like the winter food supplies of the past.

AGS Guadeloupe successfully manages the DAAF/DAAL relocation Fri, 16 Sep 2016 06:58:36 +0000 AGS Movers Guadeloupe successfully managed the amalgamation of two departments, the DAAF (Food Directorate of Agriculture and Forest) and the DAAL (Department of the Environment, Land and Housing) under one roof.

The new, modern office building, in line with all seismic standards, is located in the town of Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe. The move, which took place from 19 to 26 July, was aimed at bringing together various entities under one administrative headquarters and, consequently, to provide a better service to the public and an improved work environment to staff.

The relocation, which was completed over several stages, was executed with utmost professionalism and expertise from the AGS team. The assistance from the team contributed towards the adherence of strict deadlines, and the DAAF had its first management meeting (CODIR) on 25 July in the new offices, located on Saint-Phy Street.

Congratulations to the AGS Guadeloupe team who completed this major operation successfully!

Useful links:

Shipping parcels to Guadeloupe
Moving cars to Guadeloupe

AGS demonstrates art expertise in Guadeloupe Tue, 26 Jan 2016 13:56:17 +0000 AGS is well-known for the high quality of our packaging and handling – of critical importance with art removals – and our branch in Guadeloupe recently demonstrated this during its work for the Memorial ACTe: a Caribbean centre for expression and memory of the slave trade, based in Pointe-à-Pitre.

Having already proven their abilities through several art removal projects over the past 5 years, AGS’ team in Guadeloupe have become accustomed to this type of assignment.

Conducted as part of the construction of the Memorial ACTe, the recent operation emphasized AGS’ commitment to the quality of the specialized packaging required for the transport of artwork.

Particularly delicate in terms of handling and lasting for over 10 days, the project entailed 40 m3 of collectibles, sculptures, paintings, archaeological items, books, and other objects being carefully packed. These were then transferred from Guadeloupe’s regional headquarters to the Memorial ACTe, where they were unpacked and installed.


Specialised packing techniques

“Works of art require specific attention – especially ceramics, earthenware and old manuscripts which have to be packed into protective crates,” explains François Chataigne, AGS Guadeloupe’s Branch Manager.

To protect artworks during handling, specialised packaging is prepared. The construction of tailor-made protective crates and the use of polystyrene boards are keys phases for their packaging. The layout and loading of protective crates and boxes inside the truck are also major components of the preparation required for transfer.



Excelling through technical expertise

During this operation, three 40-foot containers – arriving from Paris and containing archived documents, icons and artworks – were received and unpacked on-site by AGS Guadeloupe’s team. This included two large-scale collection pieces that required particularly special care: The tree of oblivion from Pascale Marthine Tayou; and a marine anchor.

While the anchor had to be carefully positioned near the Memorial ACTe’s entrance, the second installation was even more delicate. It required a 6m-long tree trunk being erected vertically within the museum’s scenic route, in a small 8m² room. Positioning the tree, weighing more than a ton, required all the ingenuity of AGS Guadeloupe’s team!


“AGS Guadeloupe is honoured to play an important role in the protection and dissemination of the cultural heritage of our island through this project,” adds François. “We also look forward to offering our specialised support during similar projects in the future.”

He reveals that AGS Guadeloupe has already been contracted for another art moving operation in Guadeloupe for 2016.

We wish AGS Guadeloupe every success, and are confident that they will once again demonstrate AGS’ commitment to quality packaging and handling. To request a free quote for your future art removal, follow this link

Read More: Professional Packing Services

Photos credits: Fonds M.ACTe, Collection Région Guadeloupe

Useful links:

Shipping parcels to Guadeloupe
Moving cars to Guadeloupe

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Memories of AGS Guadeloupe’s first move Mon, 26 Aug 2013 13:55:46 +0000 It was 1981 when Alain Taïeb, today Chairman of the Group, and Lucien Chataigne posed for the launch of the first AGS branch in the French Overseas Territories.

AGS realised that the success achieved in mainland France could be replicated, so Lucien was tasked to head-up the new branch in Guadeloupe.

The whole AGS Movers Guadeloupe branch only consisted of two small vans, 6 team members and a depot of 150m². But a belief in AGS and the success of the company gave Lucien confidence to enter the removal industry with enthusiasm. With support from AGS Chairman Alain Taïeb, he was determined to make the Guadeloupe branch work.

AGS Guadeloupe’s journey to success was marked with hardships during the first year, but everything changed when a childhood friend informed Lucien of a local bank that was planning to relocate.

Dressed for success and beaming with confidence, Alain and Lucien visited the Director of the Chase Manhattan bank and convinced him of AGS’s exceptional removal services and reputation. A few months later, AGS Guadeloupe moved a 3 story building and 150 staff members with a team of only 6. From that day on, they were the movers of choice in Guadeloupe.

Since then the AGS Group has grown and is now across 94 countries in 141 locations. The company also has more than 3,500 employees and works on 75,000 moves a year.

Lucien managed AGS Guadeloupe until 2007. After 26 years of dedicated service, he handed over the reins to his son, Francois Chataigne, who continues AGS’s legacy as the leader in the removals market for the French Overseas Territories.

Throughout the years AGS Guadeloupe displayed business initiative, hard work and a strong will to succeed.

However, the photo that was taken at the AGS launch not only wwwifies to the development of the AGS Group, but also the evolution of fashion over 30 years!

Useful links:

Shipping parcels to Guadeloupe
Moving cars to Guadeloupe
