Employee | AGS Movers https://www.agsmovers.com International Removals Mon, 29 May 2023 07:33:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.4 https://www.agsmovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/cropped-ags_icon-150x150.png Employee | AGS Movers https://www.agsmovers.com 32 32 Dawn breaks on a new African horizon https://www.agsmovers.com/news/dawn-breaks-on-a-new-african-horizon/ Fri, 31 Jul 2020 10:28:45 +0000 https://www.agsmovers.com/?p=46602 An interview with the Africa Network Director for AGS Movers, Nathalie Jeanneau.

There are two types of stories that people like to tell about Africa. One is the tale of the dark continent, a place where potholes pit every road and politicians perpetually extend outstretched palms. The other is a more recent story, that Africa’s time has come. And that if you wait too long, you’ll miss out on the great investment opportunity that is the African continent and its people.

As Director of the African Network for the AGS Group, and with over 16 years of experience living and working in Africa in the logistics and removals industries, Frenchwoman Nathalie Jeanneau has heard both stories often. But in the course of her visits to the Group’s branches – at least one in each of the continent’s 54 countries – she gets many opportunities to see for herself which story rings truer on the ground.

“Africa does pose extra challenges,” she freely admits. “Sometimes our phone calls don’t connect, sometimes a branch has no electricity because there is a power cut and there is a shortage of gas for the generator. But you find a solution. If one way doesn’t work, you try another way. There is no problem so big it cannot be overcome.”

In Africa, a flexible and innovative approach to doing business is key, she stresses – the ability to adapt to unforeseen changes in the political or natural environment. “But,” she quickly adds, “that’s true for business anywhere, not just in Africa.”

Nevertheless, Nathalie knows that these are the challenges that, for many people, make doing business on the continent too much hassle. But she believes that knowledgeable local staff, who are sensitive to the culture and history of their country, play a big role in making business possible and ensuring that clients’ projects run smoothly.

“We have excellent branch managers who run exceedingly tight ships. They have to if we want to stay competitive. We bid against the historic removals companies who have expanded into Africa like we have, but also against newer local companies. They are FIDI-accredited, and their service is as good as anything you can find in Europe. And the customers, they’re savvy and knowledgeable, very business minded.”

These customers form part of an Africa-wide market that, according to the Brookings Institute, constitutes more than one billion consumers who, by 2030, will be spending an estimate of $2.5 trillion every year. Add to that the rapid urbanisation and rising incomes of recent years and it’s little wonder that businesses looking to expand have Africa squarely in their sites.

“What is left to do in Europe? What is left in Asia?” Nathalie asks. “Those markets are saturated, and companies are looking to new horizons for growth. Africa is very attractive. We have an abundance of labour, a wealth of natural resources, and space. Everything still has to be built and developed, there is everything to play for. I do think Africa’s time has come, and I intend for AGS to help make it happen.”

New appointments and promotions – 2019 https://www.agsmovers.com/news/new-appointments-and-promotions-2019/ Fri, 05 Apr 2019 12:50:14 +0000 https://www.agsmovers.com/?p=40724  


Africa network

ags staff jean

Florent Birot
Branch Manager – AGS Movers Abuja

After handing over the management of the AGS Lagos branch to Carole-Anne Duchet, Florent Birot remains in Nigeria, but this time at the Abuja branch. Florent joined the AGS Group almost four years ago, starting as Trainee Manager at AGS Mali where he worked for a year before making the move to AGS Lagos. He has been in Abuja since October 2018.

ags staff frederic-leomant

David Lafontaine
Branch Manager – AGS Movers Cameroon

Recruited in April 2017, David Lafontaine started with the group as a Trainee Manager alongside Guillaume Dehem at the Ivory Coast branch. He already had a great deal of experience in African countries, having travelled to Cameroon numerous times before. It was therefore a natural progression that he’d be given the managerial role at the AGS Douala branch.

ags staff christian

Sylvain Bengler
Branch Manager – AGS Movers Uganda 

Sylvain Bengler joined the group almost 10 years ago as an International Corporate Volunteer in Ghana, before becoming a Trainee Manager in Malawi. In 2012, he took up the Branch Manager’s position in Madagascar where he stayed for only a year before taking over as Branch Manager in Abuja, Nigeria. After five and a half years in Nigeria, Sylvain is experiencing a change of scenery and has been transferred to Uganda, taking over the reins from Carole-Anne Duchet.

ags staff mehdi

Albéric de Colnet
Deputy Branch Manager – AGS Movers Ivory Coast 

Albéric de Colnet started as an International Corporate Volunteer in Cameroon in 2011. After completing several assignments in many of the group’s branches he was promoted to the branch manager position at AGS Lubumbashi in August 2014. Following a sabbatical, Albéric worked alongside Guillaume Dehem in September 2018 as Deputy Manager and has acquired the necessary skills to help develop the different activities of the branch.

ags staff anita

Eric Bellone
Branch Manager – AGS Movers Burkina Faso

Eric Bellone joined the group in July 2018 and received his training at AGS Bordeaux. He took over as Branch Manager of the Burkina Faso branch on 15 November 2018. A former soldier, Eric Bellone is a man of action and will apply the same rigorous principles as required by this position.

ags staff anita

Thierry Stalin
Branch Manager – AGS Movers Congo

Thierry Stalin joined the group in 2013 as an International Corporate Volunteer in Liberia. In early 2015, he became Branch Manager of the Equatorial Guinea branch. At the end of 2018, Thierry accepted a new challenge in the Congo, succeeding Panagiotis Poulot as branch manager.

ags staff anita

Panagiotis Poulot
 Branch Manager – AGS Movers Senegal

After seven years at the Congo branch and having strengthened the group’s presence in this country, Panagiotis Poulot now faces a new challenge in Senegal. He takes over the management of this branch with a strong sales potential.

Chaka Buhendwa
Branch Manager – AGS Movers Zambia

Chaka Buhendwa joined the group as an International Corporate Volunteer and continued his career with the group as a Trainee Branch manager in Botswana, and then Ghana. In 2015, he took over the management of Guinea Bissau and has recently moved to Zambia where he will be responsible for the management of the AGS Zambia branch.

France network

Paul-Alexandre Neveu
 Branch Manager – AGS Movers Le Mans

Paul-Alexandre Neveu joined AGS Toulouse as Trainee Manager in May 2018. He was promoted to the AGS Le Mans Branch Manager role in November 2018.

ags staff jean

Cédric Herlin
Branch Manager – AGS Movers Lyon

Cédric Herlin returns to the group. He started in 2010 at AGS Abu Dhabi and AGS Dubai, where he managed operations and sales. He then became Deputy Manager at AGS Mozambique for two years, before leaving the group to gain experience in Asia. He has recently returned to the group via its French network and takes up the Branch Manager’s position at AGS Lyon.

Asia network

Elliot MacMahon
Branch Manager – AGS Movers Hong Kong

With Grégory Seitz’s departure from the group, Elliot McMahon has taken over the reins at this branch. Elliot returns to where he started his career with the AGS Group as Trainee Branch Manager (2013), after which he was appointed to the position of Branch Manager for AGS in the Philippines in 2014. During his time in the Philippines, Elliot was selected as one of the Top 12 Managers of the group for three consecutive years (2015 – 2017).

ags staff jean

Mika Bruun
Branch Manager – AGS Movers Philippines

Making the move from Africa to Asia, Mika Bruun has taken over the role of Branch Manager for AGS Philippines from Elliot. Mika was appointed as Branch Manager at AGS Tanzania in 2017 and has been with the group since 2010, previously occupying the position of Sales Representative at this branch.


We wish all of them great success at their new branches and new positions.

New Appointments – 2017 https://www.agsmovers.com/news/new-appointments-2017/ Wed, 20 Dec 2017 07:07:02 +0000 https://www.agsmovers.com/?p=26895 AGS welcomes the following newly appointed managers and staff:

ags staff jean

Jean-Noël Boulnois
Branch Manager
AGS Cameroon Douala

A former soldier, Jean-Noël joined the group in 2002 and spent nine years at AGS Movers Senegal. In January 2011, Jean-Noël took over the management of AGS Movers Morocco for a period of four years. In 2015, he made the decision to retire, but his retirement was short-lived as he rejoined the group in 2016, occupying positions in both Mali and Chad. In May 2017 Jean-Noël joined AGS Movers Douala in Cameroon. This is a new challenge for Jean-Noël who must develop a troubled branch. In view of his track-record, he has the full confidence of the executive directors. We would like to wish him a warm welcome back to the group.

ags staff frederic-leomant

Frédéric Léomant
Branch Manager
AGS Benin

Frédéric Léomant needs no introduction with his 12 years of service with the Group. Frédéric has taken up the management position at AGS Movers Benin since June 2017. He succeeds Frédéric Gros, who has taken sabbatical leave. Frédéric has crisscrossed Africa since joining the Group and has taken up challenge after challenge.

ags staff christian

Christian Braunschweig
Branch Manager
AGS Warsaw

With 15 years’ experience in the removals industry, Christian Braunschweig has joined AGS Movers Warsaw in November as the new Branch Manager. Christian joined the group in July this year at AGS Froesch Berlin as Trainee Branch Manager. With an entrepreneurial spirit undoubtedly stemming from his experience in the family business in Germany, his first priority has always been complete client satisfaction, a principle that is at the heart of our Group.

ags staff mehdi

Mehdi Ouchelli
Branch Manager
AGS Japan

Mehdi Ouchelli, joined the group in 2011 and took over the manager position at AGS Movers Japan on 1 October 2017, succeeding Ben Garcia. Mehdi started as a key account salesman for AGS Movers South Korea and was appointed to the sales manager’s position at AGS Japan. Mehdi has a Master’s degree in Management from St. John’s University in New York, USA. He is married to Jina and has two children, Serene and Joon. We wish him great success in this new phase of his career.

ags staff anita

Anita Takdare
Branch Manager
AGS Hyderabad

Anita Takdare took over the management of AGS Movers Hyderabad in November 2017. After studying architecture, Anita quickly turned to the mobility industry, gaining experience over the past 8 years in the relocations and moving sector. She spent five years as a consultant and the sales coordinator for key accounts at AGS Movers Jakarta and AGS Movers Singapore, respectively. Prior to her appointment, Anita was a relocation consultant in Hyderabad. Married and a mother of a six-year-old boy, Carl Ksatria Sinha, Anita is also involved in volunteer activities, especially for disadvantaged young people. When her busy schedule allows, Anita likes to play basketball, cycle and take photographs.

We wish them well in their new positions.

Francis Leclet, a hands-on manager https://www.agsmovers.com/news/francis-leclet-a-hands-on-manager/ Thu, 10 Aug 2017 13:05:31 +0000 https://www.agsmovers.com/?p=20032 Francis Leclet, Manager of AGS Movers Burundi, has joined the AGS Group in 2000 and has continuously brought his experience and expertise to various countries in Africa.

After spending several years at CODEM-Chad, Francis joined AGS in 2000 as branch manager in Niger and subsequently worked in many other African countries, including Guinea, Central African Republic, Mauritania, Chad, Congo, Burundi, Gabon, DRC and Burkina Faso. Some branches even welcomed him twice, such as Mauritania, Burkina Faso and now Burundi, where he currently occupies the manager position since June 2013.

Francis has many qualities that are needed to run a business in sometimes difficult territories where everyday life can be very challenging. In 2015/2016 the Burundi branch operated in a very tense environment with riots and gunfire taking place almost daily. Half a dozen employees slept at the agency every night, returning home only on Fridays to limit the risks and ensure that the planned work was completed.

Francis has courage as well as the innovative spirit needed by every good leader. When he arrived in Bujumbura, Burundi, Francis noticed that the movers were working with only a few, outdated equipment. He decided to bring all the necessary equipment from Paris, to offer a quality service worthy of AGS, even if it meant temporarily burdening the budget of the agency.
Francis is fully committed to the growth of the branch which, according to him means to be “thoroughly and completely involved in everything in the field and with every task.”

Expecting the same commitment from his employees, Francis trains them so that they are versatile and able to perform all duties required. Investing in your employees is not a short-term investment: “Employees who learn to develop their employ-ability gain confidence, improve performance and grow in loyalty.” Francis keeps a patriarchal benevolence when it comes to the safety of his employees; he insists that his administrative staff do not work late at night, preferring them to start early the next day: “Leaving late at night is too risky for their safety,” he said.

Francis adds that AGS is his second family and gives him the support he needs at certain times. “Working for AGS enabled me to have health coverage that I did not have when I worked for CODEM Chad. When my health was problematic in Niger, without repatriation and care, I would have been a dead man. Management has always responded and supported me in the most difficult moments.”

The AGS Group would like to thank Francis for his hard work and commitment.

A high-level manager who cares https://www.agsmovers.com/news/a-high-level-manager-who-cares/ Thu, 10 Aug 2017 12:59:34 +0000 https://www.agsmovers.com/?p=20028 Michel Giovannucci took up the management position at AGS Movers Algeria in January 2016, and immediately became fond of the AGS team who works under his leadership. Michel, who has always had an interest in people, particularly took notice of the domestic worker, Kheira Sahnoune’s circumstances.

Kheira, a 54 year old woman, was divorced and has been working at AGS Algeria since 2004. She has three children and suffers from health problems that require treatment and physiotherapy. Her health issues are aggravated by the fact that her house has no heating and winter temperatures in Algeria can sometimes drop to five degrees Celsius which can exacerbate her condition.
Michel immediately recognised Kheira’s need and decided to lend a helping hand. With the help of AGS Algeria, Michel had a gas stove and a refrigerator installed in Kheira’s home.

This Branch Manager finds it normal to lend a helping hand whenever possible: “Kheira Sahnoune devoted her life to raising her children and, despite her very difficult situation, succeeded in getting them to university. She’s a saint!”, Michel said.”If you want to be respected, you have to respect the staff and set an example.”

New Appointments – November 2016 https://www.agsmovers.com/news/new-appointments-november-2016/ https://www.agsmovers.com/news/new-appointments-november-2016/#respond Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:50:41 +0000 https://www.agsmovers.com/?p=22420 AGS welcomes the following newly appointed managers:

Baptiste Di Tria
Branch Manager
AGS Movers Liberia

Baptiste Di Tria started at the group as an employee of AGS Movers Madagascar and was appointed to AGS Movers Liberia as Branch Manager in August 2016. He likes to watch and play rugby, and takes a great interest in local and global politics. Baptiste also likes to listen to music and to travel. He looks forward to developing and building relationships with clients in his new position.

Jean-Marc Boisgard
Branch Manager
AGS Movers Angola

Jean-Marc Boisgard was appointed as Trainee Branch Manager with AGS Movers Senegal in August 2014, and promoted to Branch Manager at AGS Movers Kenya. He accepted the Manager position for AGS Movers Sierra Leone in January 2015, before occupying his most recent position as Manager of AGS Movers Angola. The 53-year-old father of two daughters has earned diplomas from three engineering schools: l’Ecole de l’Air, ENSTA (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées) and ENSPM (Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Pétrole et des Moteurs). Passionate about bridge, reading and travel, Jean-Marc wishes to participate in the development of AGS in Africa and to live enriching human experiences.

Julien Favre-Bulle
Branch Manager
AGS Movers Zambia

Julien Favre-Bulle started his career at AGS as Sales Manager at the Kenyan branch in 2004. He was promoted to Trainee Manager in AGS Movers Kenya in 2006 and became Branch Manager of AGS Movers Burundi in 2008. Julien’s career grew further when he took up the position of AGS Movers Uganda Branch Manager in 2013, and was recently appointed as Branch Manager in Zambia. Julien is passionate about sports and enjoys watching movies.

Carole-Anne Duchet
Branch Manager
AGS Movers Uganda

Carole-Anne Duchet joined the AGS Group at its Zambian branch as a VIE in 2010. She was promoted to Trainee Manager in the Zambian branch in 2012 and subsequently, took up the manager position at the same branch in 2013. Earlier this year, Carole-Anne accepted a new position as Branch Manager at AGS Movers Uganda. She loves to play sports and to travel.

Fabris Grujic
Branch Manager
AGS Movers Madagascar

Fabris Grujic started at the Group as trainee manager at AGS Paris in 2003 and accepted the management position at AGS Movers Skopje soon thereafter. Three more Branch Manager positions including Belgrade, Montenegro and Abu Dhabi followed before Fabris accepted the AGS Madagascar Branch Manager position earlier this year. Fabris enjoys mountain biking, parachuting and practices martial arts.

Mathias Bouroullec
Branch Manager
AGS Movers Niger

Mathias Bouroullec joined AGS Movers Botswana as a VIE in 2013 and was offered a position as trainee manager at the same branch in 2015, before accepting his most recent position as Branch Manager of AGS Movers Niger. Mathias enjoys traveling, listening to music, and is a football and swimming enthusiast.

Loïc Delcon
Branch Manager
AGS Movers Mali

Loïc Delcon joined AGS Movers Ivory Coast as a VIE in 2013 and was promoted to trainee manager at the same branch in 2015, before accepting the management position at AGS Movers Mali in 2016. Loïc enjoys traveling, playing rugby, going to the theatre and relaxation therapy.

Frédéric Léomant
Branch Manager
AGS Movers Cameroon

Frédéric Léomant joined the AGS Group as a trainee manager at AGS Movers Reunion in 2005 and was promoted to the manager position of AGS Movers Burkina Faso in 2006. Frédéric was then appointed as AGS Movers Madagascar’s Branch Manager in 2011 before accepting the position as Branch Manager at AGS Movers Cameroon, earlier this year. Frédéric likes to play volleyball, to sail his catamaran and to play chess.

Oscar Nduwimana
Branch Manager
AGS Movers South Sudan

Oscar Nduwimana, a lawyer by training, was appointed as Branch Manager at AGS Movers South Sudan. Oscar brings more than 10 years’ removal industry experience acquired in Burundi and Rwanda. He was also a representative of a worldwide leading container shipping company in Burundi. Oscar enjoys playing rugby.

Emilie Ducert
Branch Manager
AGS Movers Togo

After graduating with a Master’s degree in Management and International Trade, Emilie Ducert wanted to travel (specifically in Africa), to learn new languages and to find a job that wouldn’t bore her. It seems that she made the right choice by choosing AGS. After joining the group as an International Corporate Volunteer (V.I.E) in 2008 in Burkina Faso, she was offered a position as trainee manager in Maputo in 2010 and joined the Rabat, Morocco branch in 2011 as Branch Manager. As of June 2016, she took over the management of our Lomé branch, where she manages 10 people. In her free time, this former Western horse riding champion also jogs and plays golf. But Emilie isn’t only an accomplished sportswoman; she’s also a singer and a musician and plays the guitar at concerts.

Jean-Charles Thorez
Branch Manager
AGS Movers Cameroon

Jean-Charles Thorez started working at AGS in 2004 and was trained as a Branch Manager by Jean-Noël Boulnois, who then managed the Senegalese branch. A year later, Jean-Charles was given the role of Branch Manager in Bangui, in the Central African Republic, where he stayed for 11 years. In August 2016, he accepted the position of Branch Manager at AGS in Yaoundé, Cameroon, managing a team of 15 people. This former officer in the French Army says he loves to be in touch with his customers and to find solutions to the complex situations he is confronted with on a daily basis. When he’s not sitting at his desk, Jean-Charles spends time with his two-year-old daughter, Ludivine.

Mark Jeyasingh
Branch Manager
AGS Movers Seychelles

Mark Jeyasingh joined the Seychelles branch in September 2016 after more than 20 years in the financial services sector. His experience ranges from consulting to management of key accounts and product development. At AGS Seychelles, Mark is tasked with setting up marketing strategies and developing sales of the branch’s various products. In his free time, Mark plays golf at a very good level (with a handicap below 9).

We wish them well in their new positions.

https://www.agsmovers.com/news/new-appointments-november-2016/feed/ 0
AGS sponsors Grand Prix Hong Kong https://www.agsmovers.com/news/ags-sponsors-grand-prix-hong-kong/ https://www.agsmovers.com/news/ags-sponsors-grand-prix-hong-kong/#respond Thu, 15 Sep 2016 13:56:25 +0000 https://www.agsmovers.com/ags-sponsors-grand-prix-hong-kong-2/ AGS Movers Hong Kong sponsored and participated in the fourth VIE Grand Prix Hong Kong event, which ended in an awards ceremony on 24 May. Organised by Business France Hong Kong and the French Foreign Trade Council, the event aims to highlight interns’ experiences and emphasise the importance of the programme to French companies.

The French International Internship Programme (VIE or Volontariat International en Entreprise), enables students and young graduates seeking employment, an internship opportunity at a French-based company overseas, for a period of six to 24 months.

To take part in the VIE Grand Prix Hong Kong 2016, candidates had to produce a written document or video, showing their involvement in the company and illustrating what the programme represents to them, both personally and professionally. They also had to answer the following question: “How should the image of France in Hong Kong be effectively promoted, especially in one of these five priority subject areas: health, sustainable city, food processing, new technologies and tourism?” Four prizes were given including: SMEs, Major Groups, Bank and Finance Sector, and the Coup de cœur (Judges’ Choice) award.

AGS Movers Hong Kong participated in this event both as an official sponsor, offering an air parcel service coupon up to HK$ 1500 to each one of the four winners, and as an organiser. Grégory Seitz, AGS Hong Kong Branch Manager and French Foreign Trade Advisor, was also a judge on the selection panel. Appointed as a French Foreign Trade Advisor in 2013, Grégory Seitz is involved in numerous activities concerning French economic interests internationally.

“I’m always eager to bring my expertise of international relocation and logistics to the French business community in Hong Kong,” Gregory said.

It was this natural for Gregory to actively engage in the Grand Prix which seeks to reward young talent.

“With AGS being a company that gives interns opportunities within its own network, it was important to me to play an active role in the organisation of this event. Being on the judging panel enabled me to realise the potential of young French people.”

This international event offered an exceptional opportunity to meet influential personalities from large companies and the business world in general, and allowed young graduates the chance to develop a network of useful contacts as they begin their professional careers. We hope that the four winners will take full advantage of it.

– The SME Prize went to Christophe Castallino from Bon Colac.
– Major Groups Prize rewarded Grégoire Xerri from Bouygues Dragages.
– The Bank and Finance Sector Prize was awarded to Nassima Benziane, from Natixis
– And Fanny Radrigan de la Fuente received the “Coup de Coeur” Prize.

AGS wishes the winners all the best to achieve their dreams!

https://www.agsmovers.com/news/ags-sponsors-grand-prix-hong-kong/feed/ 0
Payal Singh embraces new FIDI responsibilities https://www.agsmovers.com/news/payal-singh-embraces-new-fidi-responsibilities/ https://www.agsmovers.com/news/payal-singh-embraces-new-fidi-responsibilities/#respond Sat, 30 Apr 2016 15:00:27 +0000 https://www.agsmovers.com/?p=22288 Underlining AGS’ commitment to training quality and FIDI, we are proud to announce that Payal Singh – AGS Movers India Country Director – has recently been appointed by the FIDI Academy as a member of their global Trainer team.

In addition to directing AGS Movers’ branch network in India, Payal already dedicates a significant amount of her time to giving back to the international moving industry.

For example, she currently also serves as the President of FIDI India; the Vice President of the Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry; and the Vice Chair of the European Business Group in Delhi.

“I am thrilled to have been appointed as a FIDI Trainer: I feel privileged to be able to share my knowledge and experience with other young professionals in the industry!” says Payal enthusiastically.

“I also consider this a special opportunity to learn even more than what I have over the past 19 years of being in the industry.”

An early task for Payal in this new role will be to travel to South Africa in September, where she will offer training at one of the FIDI Academy’s upcoming ‘Essentials in Moving’ (EiM) seminars – coincidentally to be hosted at AGS Movers Johannesburg’s premises.

Payal will also deliver industry training online and contribute to the development of topical training courses and updating existing FIDI Academy course material. Online training is delivered through FIDI Academy’s ‘webinar’ (web seminar) system, with practical topics ranging from freight forwarding to client surveys and move planning.

“I do consider this as an honour and will ensure that I live up to the expectations of the FIDI Academy,” promises Payal.

AGS wishes her all the best!

https://www.agsmovers.com/news/payal-singh-embraces-new-fidi-responsibilities/feed/ 0
News at a Glance – London https://www.agsmovers.com/news/news-at-a-glance-london-apr2016/ https://www.agsmovers.com/news/news-at-a-glance-london-apr2016/#respond Mon, 25 Apr 2016 09:56:34 +0000 https://www.agsmovers.com/?p=22424 AGS Movers London intrepid Andrew Elliman has emerged victorious from running the 40th Paris Marathon! According to Andrew, he chose the Paris Marathon because it fell on the same day that he departed last year for his world record attempt on Mount Everest – where he narrowly survived the severe earthquake in Nepal.


https://www.agsmovers.com/news/news-at-a-glance-london-apr2016/feed/ 0
News at a Glance – Cameroon https://www.agsmovers.com/news/news-at-a-glance-cameroon-jan2016/ https://www.agsmovers.com/news/news-at-a-glance-cameroon-jan2016/#respond Tue, 26 Jan 2016 13:56:17 +0000 https://www.agsmovers.com/news-at-a-glance-cameroon-2/ AGS’ branch in Yaounde took the opportunity at the end of 2015 to reward its long-serving employees, who have worked for the company for 10 to 25 years! An honoured guest at AGS’ awards ceremony was the head of Cameroon’s Elig Edzoa district, in which the branch is based.

https://www.agsmovers.com/news/news-at-a-glance-cameroon-jan2016/feed/ 0