Overseas France | AGS Movers https://www.agsmovers.com International Removals Mon, 29 May 2023 07:44:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.4 https://www.agsmovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/cropped-ags_icon-150x150.png Overseas France | AGS Movers https://www.agsmovers.com 32 32 AGS Martinique participates in the Carnival parade https://www.agsmovers.com/news/ags-martinique-participates-in-the-carnival-parade/ Fri, 31 May 2019 07:26:30 +0000 https://www.agsmovers.com/?p=41143 AGS Movers Martinique participated again in this year’s Carnival of Martinique, which took place from Saturday, 02 March to Wednesday, 06 March 2019.

The Martinique Carnival is a very popular festival and gathers all Martiniquais, no matter their social background. Festivities, which are categorised, take place from Shrove Saturday to Ash Wednesday, with a specific theme for every day. Sunday is a festival of colours and everyone is free to express their individual creativity. Sunday is also the day when King Vaval, a giant papier-mâché that captures all the negative events of the past year, is presented. On Monday women take the men’s place and men take the women’s place to celebrate a comic wedding. On Tuesday, everyone dresses in red and black and the “red devils”, symbolic characters of the carnival, are showcased. Finally, on Wednesday, the day of mourning, white and black are mandatory colours. At sunset, King Vaval will be burnt at a public place, symbolizing the end of the carnival and the purification of souls.

Established on the island in 1984, AGS Martinique is an integral part of the community and has actively participated in the Carnival for the past five years. Three members of the branch, associated with a group of dancers, took part in the vidés (parades) of Fort of France for three days. A decorated AGS truck, furnished with AGS-branded banners and equipped with a sound-system, the group provided animation by offering music and dances and distributing AGS-branded fans and reusable goblets to the public.

Useful links:

Shipping cars to Martinique
Shipping parcels to Martinique

AGS Reunion teams up with 1,000 Sourires https://www.agsmovers.com/news/ags-reunion-teams-up-with-1000-sourires/ Thu, 27 Sep 2018 10:43:47 +0000 https://www.agsmovers.com/?p=37657 AGS Movers Reunion has teamed up with 1,000 Sourires (1,000 Smiles), a prominent non-governmental organisation on Reunion Island that organises entertainment events for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Ibrahim Ingar launched 1,000 Sourires in 2006 with the aim to broaden the horizons of children who have never had the opportunity to escape their daily circumstances.

Children take a journey to mainland France

In May this year, for the ninth time in twelve years, the organisation took a group of children on a trip to France. The nine little football enthusiasts undertook their first flight and enjoyed a programme fit for a prince during their stay in France.

From Paris to Marseille, travelling through Lyon and Albertville, they attended League 1 soccer games at the Parc des Princes and Vélodrome Stadium in Marseille, visited Disneyland, tested a helicopter simulator, ice skated, met famous personalities involved with the association, rode horses and swam in the champions swimming-pool at the Le Cercle des nageurs de Marseille.

The association also organises many events on the island throughout the year. Since 2006, 215 operations have been orchestrated, which were directed at the overall well-being of children. AGS Reunion has made a long-term commitment and will support 1,000 Sourires again next year.

AGS preserves history in Martinique https://www.agsmovers.com/news/ags-preserves-history-in-martinique/ Thu, 12 May 2016 06:10:14 +0000 https://www.agsmovers.com/?p=27194 3 of archives stored in the University Library of the Schoelcher campus.]]> AGS Movers Martinique has demonstrated its care and expertise through its lawww high-profile assignment: moving 450 m3 of archives stored in the University Library of the Schoelcher campus. All local media covered the culturally-significant event, as AGS operated swiftly to restore students’ access to the library.

Caribbean University authorities were recently surprised to discover that hundreds of cubic meters of archives from the Martinique region and Monaco Oceanographic Institute had been stored in the Schoelcher campus’ University Library, since October 2011.

When it was realised that the storage of the archive papers in the library’s basement posed a fire risk, the library was forced to close until the situation was rectified – an unpopular decision with students, as it fell just ahead of the exam period!


The challenge for AGS Martinique: saving the documents and ensuring the rapid reopening of the University Library.


With exams approaching, the library closure was particularly detrimental to students. It was therefore necessary to proceed urgently with the transfer of these archives.

A new building dedicated to the national archive from Martinique had been constructed, but before any documents could be stored in it, the facility first had to be approved by the technical controller and be issued with a certificate of compliance.

Fortunately, the Territorial Authority of Martinique (CTM) could count on the professionalism and expertise of the AGS Group with the removal of the files, as these sensitive timelines were factored into the operation’s planning.


Flexibility and responsiveness, AGS Martinique’s strengths


While waiting for authorization to start the transfer, AGS Martinique used the time constructively by orchestrating every detail of the operation in advance.

“This was a last minute order that had to be implemented and managed.” explained Daniel Dulymbois, AGS’ team manager for the operation.

AGS Martinique wasn’t deterred, however: it is experienced with handling projects of this nature. To complete the transfer and not affect students any longer than necessary, a reinforced AGS team of ten movers arrived with trucks and furniture lifts on March 17 at 08:30 with a clear plan of action!

SECOND_PHOTO_EN.JPGArchives transfer to the new CTM buildingFurther underlining the importance of this move, AGS Martinique’s team began the transfer of the archives under the spotlight of the local media.

Bailiffs, representatives of the CTM and the University gathered to monitor their careful handling of the 450m3 of documents.

The AGS team was immediately faced with a serious logistical challenge: some of the public records in storage were much damaged. The removal therefore required a quasi-military organization from AGS’ team –

“With the handling of archives, there is no improvisation!” added Daniel.

The team successfully carried out the delivery in six days, transporting the archives to the new CTM building. Here all documents were classified and indexed, before being made available for consultation again.

Making this operation particularly rewarding, the archives of the Institute of Oceanography in Monaco were found to include documents of great cultural value! These reports are the results of scientific surveys carried out by the Albert I Foundation. Following the transfer of the archives, the Schoelcher University Library re-opened on March 30, to the relief of its students.

AGS Martinique has already been further developing its archiving expertise, completing three other large-scale transfers in April:

  • 380 m3 of departmental public archives in the Bellevue neighbourhood
  • 220 m3 at the Regional Council headquarters
  • 150 m3 for the Association for Adult Vocational Training (AFPA).


Useful links:

Shipping cars to Martinique
Shipping parcels to Martinique

AGS demonstrates art expertise in Guadeloupe https://www.agsmovers.com/news/ags-demonstrates-art-expertise-in-guadeloupe/ https://www.agsmovers.com/news/ags-demonstrates-art-expertise-in-guadeloupe/#respond Tue, 26 Jan 2016 13:56:17 +0000 https://www.agsmovers.com/ags-demonstrates-art-expertise-in-guadeloupe/ AGS is well-known for the high quality of our packaging and handling – of critical importance with art removals – and our branch in Guadeloupe recently demonstrated this during its work for the Memorial ACTe: a Caribbean centre for expression and memory of the slave trade, based in Pointe-à-Pitre.

Having already proven their abilities through several art removal projects over the past 5 years, AGS’ team in Guadeloupe have become accustomed to this type of assignment.

Conducted as part of the construction of the Memorial ACTe, the recent operation emphasized AGS’ commitment to the quality of the specialized packaging required for the transport of artwork.

Particularly delicate in terms of handling and lasting for over 10 days, the project entailed 40 m3 of collectibles, sculptures, paintings, archaeological items, books, and other objects being carefully packed. These were then transferred from Guadeloupe’s regional headquarters to the Memorial ACTe, where they were unpacked and installed.


Specialised packing techniques

“Works of art require specific attention – especially ceramics, earthenware and old manuscripts which have to be packed into protective crates,” explains François Chataigne, AGS Guadeloupe’s Branch Manager.

To protect artworks during handling, specialised packaging is prepared. The construction of tailor-made protective crates and the use of polystyrene boards are keys phases for their packaging. The layout and loading of protective crates and boxes inside the truck are also major components of the preparation required for transfer.



Excelling through technical expertise

During this operation, three 40-foot containers – arriving from Paris and containing archived documents, icons and artworks – were received and unpacked on-site by AGS Guadeloupe’s team. This included two large-scale collection pieces that required particularly special care: The tree of oblivion from Pascale Marthine Tayou; and a marine anchor.

While the anchor had to be carefully positioned near the Memorial ACTe’s entrance, the second installation was even more delicate. It required a 6m-long tree trunk being erected vertically within the museum’s scenic route, in a small 8m² room. Positioning the tree, weighing more than a ton, required all the ingenuity of AGS Guadeloupe’s team!


“AGS Guadeloupe is honoured to play an important role in the protection and dissemination of the cultural heritage of our island through this project,” adds François. “We also look forward to offering our specialised support during similar projects in the future.”

He reveals that AGS Guadeloupe has already been contracted for another art moving operation in Guadeloupe for 2016.

We wish AGS Guadeloupe every success, and are confident that they will once again demonstrate AGS’ commitment to quality packaging and handling. To request a free quote for your future art removal, follow this link

Read More: Professional Packing Services

Photos credits: Fonds M.ACTe, Collection Région Guadeloupe

Useful links:

Shipping parcels to Guadeloupe
Moving cars to Guadeloupe

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AGS’ flexibility confirmed: ships, aircraft and even pirogues https://www.agsmovers.com/news/ags-flexibility-confirmed-ships-aircraft-and-even-pirogues/ https://www.agsmovers.com/news/ags-flexibility-confirmed-ships-aircraft-and-even-pirogues/#respond Mon, 08 Dec 2014 09:37:44 +0000 https://www.agsmovers.com/news/ags-guyane-demenage-la-gendarmerie-nationale-en-pirogue/ Being able to adapt to unusual conditions is a vital asset in the global mobility industry. AGS Movers French Guiana has again proven their ability to do so by moving the Gendarmerie Nationale (National Police) using the police’s own pirogues.

AGS’s last operation of this kind was brilliantly executed. Our branch in Guiana recently assisted a gendarme (police officer) moving from Grand Santi – where he had terminated his stay – to Saint Laurent du Maroni, on the opposite river bank.

This move required a crossing of the Maroni River, with the only options being a helicopter, a small plane or a pirogue. Fortunately the Gendarmerie has its own pirogues, and these were utilised by AGS French Guiana.

“This removal was typical of those which AGS French Guiana is called on to perform for the French police force’s officers on long-term stay in Santi,”

explains AGS French Guiana’s Branch Manager, Jean-Pierre Delalande.

“This is always a pleasure for us, and is a local example of AGS’ international service delivery to the French armed forces stationed across the world.”

AGS was also responsible for providing our trademark white packing material, receiving the pirogues at arrival and transporting the goods safely to their final destination.

This type of operation demonstrates AGS’ open-minded approach and capacity to adapt to clients’ needs.

Our skilled AGS French Guiana team also proved to be entirely dedicated to the brand’s core philosophy: providing only the highest-quality removals, regardless of the situation.



https://www.agsmovers.com/news/ags-flexibility-confirmed-ships-aircraft-and-even-pirogues/feed/ 0
Memories of AGS Guadeloupe’s first move https://www.agsmovers.com/news/memories-of-ags-guadeloupes-first-move/ Mon, 26 Aug 2013 13:55:46 +0000 https://www.agsmovers.com/memories-of-ags-guadeloupes-first-move/ It was 1981 when Alain Taïeb, today Chairman of the Group, and Lucien Chataigne posed for the launch of the first AGS branch in the French Overseas Territories.

AGS realised that the success achieved in mainland France could be replicated, so Lucien was tasked to head-up the new branch in Guadeloupe.

The whole AGS Movers Guadeloupe branch only consisted of two small vans, 6 team members and a depot of 150m². But a belief in AGS and the success of the company gave Lucien confidence to enter the removal industry with enthusiasm. With support from AGS Chairman Alain Taïeb, he was determined to make the Guadeloupe branch work.

AGS Guadeloupe’s journey to success was marked with hardships during the first year, but everything changed when a childhood friend informed Lucien of a local bank that was planning to relocate.

Dressed for success and beaming with confidence, Alain and Lucien visited the Director of the Chase Manhattan bank and convinced him of AGS’s exceptional removal services and reputation. A few months later, AGS Guadeloupe moved a 3 story building and 150 staff members with a team of only 6. From that day on, they were the movers of choice in Guadeloupe.

Since then the AGS Group has grown and is now across 94 countries in 141 locations. The company also has more than 3,500 employees and works on 75,000 moves a year.

Lucien managed AGS Guadeloupe until 2007. After 26 years of dedicated service, he handed over the reins to his son, Francois Chataigne, who continues AGS’s legacy as the leader in the removals market for the French Overseas Territories.

Throughout the years AGS Guadeloupe displayed business initiative, hard work and a strong will to succeed.

However, the photo that was taken at the AGS launch not only wwwifies to the development of the AGS Group, but also the evolution of fashion over 30 years!

Useful links:

Shipping parcels to Guadeloupe
Moving cars to Guadeloupe

La Ora Na from Tahiti and Happy New Year! https://www.agsmovers.com/news/la-ora-na-from-tahiti-and-happy-new-year/ https://www.agsmovers.com/news/la-ora-na-from-tahiti-and-happy-new-year/#respond Mon, 23 Jan 2012 06:15:31 +0000 https://www.agsmovers.com/?p=22320 Established on the island for over 25 years and completing over 1100 international moves each year, team AGS Movers Tahiti is not just a pretty face. As a foremost member of the AGS Movers France network we offer you the finest quality in removals services and our fondest well-wishes for the year ahead. La orana ite matahiti api 2012!


Branch Manager: Jean-Pierre Delalande

Email : ags-tahiti@ags-demenagement.com

Tel: +689 689 54 92 00

Fax: +689 689 54 92 01

https://www.agsmovers.com/news/la-ora-na-from-tahiti-and-happy-new-year/feed/ 0
AGS Tahiti sponsors the famous “Admiral Trophy” https://www.agsmovers.com/news/ags-tahiti-sponsors-the-famous-admiral-trophy/ Tue, 23 Aug 2011 13:55:31 +0000 https://www.agsmovers.com/ags-tahiti-sponsors-the-famous-admiral-trophy/ The 9th Admiral Trophy race, which took place on 4 June, was sponsored this year by AGS Movers Tahiti, one of the first AGS branches to be opened outside France. Since its creation in 1986, AGS Tahiti has established strong links with the local communities.

This pirogue canoe race is one of the  major events of the season and is given high media coverage in Polynesia and around the world. Every year, over a hundred teams compete equipped with pirogues, or more precisely, Va’a, a Samoan and Tahitian word meaning boat. The teams comprise both locals and expats.

The trophy is awarded every year to the best civilian and military teams. More and more renowned companies and clubs are participating in this race.

The branch manager of AGS Tahiti, Jean-Pierre Delalande, saw this event as an opportunity to demonstrate the branch’s involvement in local social affairs, and to support a sport which is integral to Polynesian culture.

AGS Martinique installs solar panels https://www.agsmovers.com/news/ags-martinique-installs-solar-panels/ Wed, 09 Mar 2011 13:55:24 +0000 https://www.agsmovers.com/ags-martinique-installs-solar-panels/ In the spirit of environmental responsibility, that is practised throughout the AGS Group, AGS Movers Martinique recently installed photovoltaic panels on its roofs.

The 854 solar panels cover an area of 1800 m2 and allow the Caribbean branch to produce up to 201.6Kwc. The system is linked to the electrical grid and also supplies electricity to approximately 100 houses nearby.

As a removals company, we work in an industry that, by its very nature, can negatively affect our planet. By installing and using these photovoltaic panels, AGS Martinique contributes to the protection of the environment and minimises its carbon footprint.

Useful links:

Shipping cars to Martinique
Shipping parcels to Martinique

AGS Tahiti supports the French Navy https://www.agsmovers.com/news/ags-tahiti-supports-the-french-navy/ Sun, 06 Mar 2011 13:55:24 +0000 https://www.agsmovers.com/ags-tahiti-supports-the-french-navy/ AGS Movers Tahiti recently took the opportunity to sponsor the French Navy at the Hawaiki Nui Va’a 2010 canoe race.

This outrigger canoe race brings together more than 100 traditional canoes and 200 racers, who compete between the

Pacific Ocean islands over a distance of more than 95 km in 3 days.

Rowers from Tahiti, the Tuamotu Islands, the Marquesas, New Caledonia, Hawaii and France all take part in the event.
Supporters cheer on the rowers from outboard boats and fishing boats along the route.

AGS Tahiti provided financial support to the CSA CABIRI team, who represented a French Navy regiment during the race.
As an avid supporter of local communities, AGS Tahiti was proud to support French sailors for the Hawaiki Nui Va’a.
